Hurry up and train a True Dan to cooperate with the system when the time comes, and you may be able to become the most powerful figure in this continent

“It’s not that my father doesn’t believe you, but your cultivation is nothing now, and I’m really worried that Li Xiuyuan will attack you.” Sure enough, Bi Xiuzhen really followed his routine.

“Then why don’t I cultivate first?” Bi Hao smiled again.

Looking at the smile that often appeared on his son’s face, Bi Xiuzhen suddenly felt sincerely relieved.

For so many years, it seems that he has never seen a smile on his son’s face, always that cold look, and now that his son has lost his memory, he can have more smiles on his face, which is not bad.

It was better than the appearance of the iceberg before, and no one was close to him, and it also made him worry about what to do with the problem of passing on the family in the future.

Of course, Bi Hao didn’t know that Bi Xiuzhen in front of him had thought so far, and he had already thought about the problem of succession.

He was now only thinking of quickly solving the problem of cultivation, and while the two of them were talking, those disciples of Mount Emei had already taken out the True Dan one after another, and one by one they were lying on the ground with a weak breath, waiting for Bi Xiuzhen’s next command.

Looking at the pieces of Jin Dan on the ground, Bi Xiuzhen nodded with satisfaction and said, “Well, now that the gate of Mount Emei is open, you can all go out, remember that if I see anyone who dares to cheat, I Bi Xiuzhen will behead him under the sword even if I chase him to the end of the world.” ”

He said this in a domineering way, but no one dared to refute it.

Who is the person in front of you? It is Bi Xiuzhen, the strongest person in the current universe.

As long as those old monsters on the Kuntong Mountain did not come out, he Bi Xiuzhen was the most powerful discourse person on this continent, and no one could hunt its edge.

Bi Hao couldn’t help but squint his eyes and think that this cheap old man he recognized seemed to be a very good big man.

But at the moment he didn’t think too much, looking at the cheap old man who was giving orders, he nodded and said, “I’m very tired now, I don’t know if there is a place for me to rest.” ”

“There are naturally places to rest, wait for me to deal with these people later, let people take you personally, the young lord has returned, how can we Emei Mountain also celebrate a good time.”

Bi Xiuzhen watched the thousands of people walking away toward the gate of Mount Emei, and the pieces of Jindan on the ground were also collected by Bi Xiuzhen.

Bi Hao was a little puzzled, “What is the use of these people’s Jindan?” ”

He smiled slightly and said, “Since your cultivation is gone, these Jindan can play a big role, and when I cultivate a kind of Jindan, when the time comes for you to eat it, maybe your cultivation can be restored faster.” ”

I didn’t expect that not only the demon beasts could eat the true dan of humans, it turned out that the human race itself could also eat the same kind of true dan, and when he thought of it, Bi Hao suddenly felt a little creepy.

However, at the moment, Bi Xiuzhen did not pay attention to his son’s face, but just looked at the look of interest on Bi Xiuzhen’s face, and couldn’t help but chuckle, “What, are you interested in alchemy?” ”

“How do you know?” Bi Hao didn’t expect that he had just shown a little interest in his eyes, and he was actually seen by Bi Xiuzhen, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that while this father’s observation was sharp, his curiosity about alchemy could no longer be hidden, “I quite want to know what this alchemy is all about.” ”

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