“Besides, the little monster’s mother-in-law and your mother are old friends, and the two of you can also be considered to have a relationship of the previous generation, otherwise, the people who want to marry the monster will soon break through the threshold, do you think it will be your turn?” Stinky boy. ”

“But didn’t you say that the little monster’s body had a dark disease?” Bi Hao said awkwardly.

He was still young, but he didn’t want to get married so early, not to mention that when he mentioned the little monster, the figure of the wind chime suddenly appeared in his eyes. Why do you suddenly think of wind chimes? Obviously, they are just ordinary friends.

In order to avoid being disturbed by anyone, she has been meditating on Mount Kuntong for all these years, waiting for the time to come and become related to you.” Bi Xiuzhen smiled and said that between the two of them talking, they had already walked to the main hall of Mount Emei.

“That’s the way it is.” Bi Hao nodded with mixed feelings, at this time someone brought a cup of tea, Bi Hao took a sip, the taste was clear and fragrant, it was many times better than what he and the wind chimes had drunk in those ordinary inns before.

“Good tea.” Bi Hao nodded.

“This is just the most common Emei thorn on Mount Emei, but in the past, you all disdained to drink this tea, and often let me send you the Longjing before the rain.” Bi Hao smiled and looked at his son with some pain, although his son had been carrying from childhood to adulthood, but he was also pampered and raised, and he had not been around for several months, and he did not know what suffering he had suffered.

“When I was outside, I thought it tasted good.” Bi Hao said with a smile.

“Then again, those things about your amnesia have not been asked to you, and you first tell me what was the situation when you lost your memory?” Do you really not remember anything about the events before the amnesia? Bi Xiuzhen asked very seriously.

Bi Hao nodded his head in a complicated mood and said, “I really don’t remember, when I woke up, there were some people around, they were very kind to me, told me that my name was Bi Hao, and then let me rest for a month and let me leave, I wandered on the road, I didn’t know where I should go, I met a girl called Wind Chimes, she took me wandering around, I relied on her relief for two months to survive with peace of mind.” ”

“Where is that girl now?”

Bi Hao thought for a moment and said, “That girl was injured by the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon before, and after being stolen from Zhen Dan, the old Daoist helped me catch the fox demon back, and then asked the fox demon to give the true Dan to the girl, and then, when the old Daoist took me away, the wind chime seemed to be thrown in place by him.” ”

“Thrown in place.” Bi Xiuzhen murmured thoughtfully.

Bi Hao’s heart suddenly tightened.

What if the wind chime was recaptured by the old Taoist priest as a bargaining chip to blackmail him?

He told his cheap father about this idea, and the cheap old man laughed and said, “Rest assured, although that old Taoist is sinister and cunning, scheming, and fierce, he still has his own basic professional ethics, and in the face of a little girl, she will not do it like this.” ”

Bi Hao was slightly puzzled, “How can you be so sure?” ”

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