In a cold mechanical voice, with a little serious emotion, he said, “It is indeed a wind chime, and she is rapidly approaching this side.” ”

“How long until we get to Mount Emei?”

“It will take about 5 minutes.” After a while, the system made a precise judgment.

“5 minutes, so how far is she from Mount Emei now?” Bi Hao frowned and continued to ask.

The system was silent for a while and said, “There are still 300 kilometers to Mount Emei.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, the 300-kilometer journey turned out to be 5 minutes away, this guy was sitting on a rocket, right?

He was about to speak, but the system suddenly analyzed, “The wind chimes come with flying swords.” ”

“Flying sword? When did the wind chimes learn the Royal Sword? Didn’t she tell me she never used a flying sword? Bi Haozheng was puzzled, at this time, a subordinate hurriedly came to Bi Xiuzhen, leaned over and said something behind Bi Xiuzhen’s ear, and then Bi Xiuzhen’s face showed a smile and said, “Son, your fiancée is coming, let’s go and see.” ”

“Huh? My fiancée? Bi Hao looked embarrassed, and now the system told him that only wind chimes flew to this side, so to say… His fiancée is the little monster of the Kuntong Mountains… Does that mean that the wind chimes are the little monsters of the Kuntong Mountain?

What the hell is going on here!

When he was puzzled, a sharp tone suddenly came from the system and said, “There is still a powerful energy approaching this side!” ”

“And a powerful energy?” Could this be the so-called little monster of the Kuntong Mountain? Bi Hao was thinking so, but the system had already begun to analyze for him.

However, at present, it is better to expect to be able to see the real person after 5 minutes, even if the system is no longer awesome, it is impossible to analyze the true face of the person in front of you with this energy.

“Your little fiancée is very delicate, don’t you come out with me to see?” Son,” Bi Xiuzhen looked at Bi Hao standing in the hall for a long time, and then impatiently urged, “If you don’t come again, you will neglect her later, and you don’t blame me if she cleans up.” ”

That little monster of Kuntong Mountain can still beat people? Bi Hao’s heart was shocked, so he hurriedly followed up and said, “I just thought that something in my head was breaking out of the shell, and I was thinking that my memory must be restored.” ”

“Memories are coming back? Speaking of lightness, you don’t have to be too anxious to recover your memory, even if you don’t restore your father, I will raise you. Bi Xiuzhen looked at Bi Hao, and thought that Bi Hao felt in his heart that there was something wrong with letting him raise it, afraid that if he accidentally forced himself to recover his memory and hurt somewhere, it would be too much to lose, so he hurriedly said something to comfort him.

“Father, I’m all right, let’s go.” Bi Xiu’s true words were all said to this part, and Bi Hao twisted and pinched his speculations again, then there would really be people who doubted, so he nodded and followed Bi Xiuzhen all the way out.

There are not many people on Mount Emei, thousands of people have been expelled from Mount Emei, and now the people of Mount Emei are withering away, looking fresh and cold and silent.

Bi Xiuzhen didn’t think so, but just smiled and said to Bi Hao, “After the official start of the Disciple Receiving Conference, there will be many more people on Mount Emei.” ”

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