“Isn’t it true that my hands are stained with countless amounts of blood so far?”

That’s right.

If her hands were really stained with countless blood, the little monster on the Kuntong Mountain would probably turn into a small demon on the Kuntong Mountain

So Bi Hao had to look at her helplessly, “Teacher can you please explain it to me in detail?” ”

Teacher Phoenix squinted slightly and smiled, “The so-called Killing Dao is actually just a name, the other side of killing is the hope of survival, and my Dao is to kill a way of life in the Killing Path.” ”

“Kill the way to kill a way to live… What do you mean? Bi Hao tilted his head slightly and asked very puzzled.

“It means finding a glimmer of life in the midst of infinite death.” Phoenix smiled slightly and said, “Do you know why I am called Phoenix, because Phoenix Nirvana, after each Nirvana will be more powerful, and my Dao is in line with my name, after every Killing Dao upgrade, I will usher in a qualitative transformation.” ”

“You mean that Phoenix Nirvana is to find a new life in death, and your killing path is also to find a new life in death, so your path should be masochistic, is that what you mean…” Bi Hao finally reacted.

Phoenix narrowed her eyes with satisfaction and said, “Sure enough, your understanding is not bad, not only that, my Dao is all-encompassing, all kinds of things, and the Killing Dao should be the second Dao in the world in my opinion.” ”

“The second way? So what about the first one. Bi Hao looked at her doubtfully.

As a result, the phoenix nuzzled at him and said, “Who else but you can defeat me in this first way?” ”

Bi Hao was stunned.

“The first way… What is my Word? Bi Hao shook his head.

“Your Tao, which is rare in the world, at least I have never seen such a wonderful and brilliant person,” Phoenix said with a slight sigh, “you are really amazing, you are such a wonderful man I never thought of.” ”

It can be seen that the phoenix really respects him very much.

But after saying all this, he still didn’t tell Bi Hao what his Tao was, so Bi Hao asked, “What is my Tao?” ”

Phoenix looked at him at this time, his eyes burning, “Shuluo Dao! ”

“Shura-do? What is this Tao? Bi Hao frowned slightly, not understanding much.

“Like me, your path was predestined by heaven as soon as you were born,” said Phoenix, with a bitter smile on her face, “the two of us, the path we have to take will never be the same as others, it is too unusual.” ”

What does this mean? I don’t understand? The more Bi Hao listened, the more confused he became.

“My path is phoenix nirvana, which allows me to seek new breakthroughs in the constant search for death, and your Shura Dao is a true and genuine slaughterhouse on earth, requiring you to become a true Shura.”

“You mean… I’ve killed a lot of people before? ”

“Shura, meaning the enforcer of justice, demands that you be fair and just, so you have been traveling all over the continent looking for and killing those vicious bandits, which is a practice for you and a bath of strength.” Phoenix suddenly smiled silently, “What else under this day can be stronger than fairness and justice?” ”

“You are sent by the Heavenly Dao to maintain world peace, what do you think can be stronger than you?”

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