“You say that you are a person from another world, I don’t believe in this sentence, how can people from another world come to my world, but I have put a seal on this world, and there is no possibility for people from outside to come to my world.”

Tiandao didn’t believe it very much, but at the same time, there was a little suspicion in his heart about Bi Hao’s words.

He had originally placed a very strong seal on this world, and it was reasonable to say that no one should know that there was such a thing as the outside world, but the appearance of Bi Hao talking at the moment all showed that he really came from another world, which made him feel very crisis.

Moreover, Bi Hao’s reasoning about his shackles is also very correct.

It is true that he has no way to take any action against the people of this world, because such words come from the rulers who are higher than the Heavenly Dao will attack him, and in order to save his own life, he will never bully others.

But now facing this bastard, he didn’t even know whether he should do it or not.

If he did, this bastard’s threat to him could be strangled in the cradle.

However, if he did it, it was very likely that he would be severely cleaned up by the rulers at the top level, or even lose his life, but if he did not do it, then once this bastard boy grew to the point where he could threaten him, it was difficult to say whether he was Ji or a murderer at that time.

The more he thought about it, the more entangled he became.

Bi Hao looked at the thunder and lightning rushing through the clouds and stopped the fierce collision, so he laughed, “What? Now that I start thinking about it, do I think what I said is likely to be correct? ”

Bi Hao thought for a moment and continued to hit the iron while it was hot, “You are very powerful to this world, but you are never qualified for me, because I am from another world and the same level of existence as you.” ”

“As long as we are on the same level, you will never be able to defeat me.” Tiandao was silent for a long time, and finally spat out this sentence from his mouth.

Bi Hao smiled and said, “I thought you were relying on strength and unparalleled intelligence, but now I understand that you may just be a fool with empty strength.” ”

Tiandao suddenly choked.

“What do you mean by that?” Bright and dark are cursing him, Tiandao is not a good talker, when the clouds continue to roll, thunder and lightning began to roar, to suppress this stinky boy.

Bi Hao smiled lightly and said, “You are just a waste, if you really have the ability, you should think about how to establish diplomatic relations with me now, instead of wanting to kill me.” ”

As a powerful seedling, and one of the rulers from another world, if he were a Heavenly Dao, the best thing he could do was to establish good relations with the people of this other world, rather than stifle him, otherwise if another world produced a new successor, wouldn’t it be unbearable to come and continue to trouble him when the time came?

Thinking like this, his smile became more and more wanton, and a little more sarcastic, “Although I don’t know what you really want to do, I can remind you that the road is long, and it is not appropriate to die.” ”

This sentence is a naked warning.

Tiandao thought about it for a long time, and he didn’t know whether he should kill this stinky boy or not.

Kill him now, that is once and for all, but if you are pursued by the superiors, then his fate will be very miserable.

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