This teenager was dressed in tatters, his face was very cold, and there was still grief between his eyebrows, Bi Hao guessed that there must be something unspeakable hidden in this teenager’s heart, so he urged the system to let the system read the mind, but the system was just impatient and lazy and said, “This teenager, his father and mother are dead, the reason why he will come to the mountain to worship the teacher is to avenge his father and mother.” ”

So, with hatred, do you want to learn cultivation?

Bi Hao looked at the teenager deeply, but felt that this teenager could touch his heart.

“What’s your name?” In fact, the record book of the disciple meeting had already written the name of this teenager, but out of courtesy, Bi Hao still asked very seriously.

“My name is Chu Zihang.” Chu Zihang raised his head and looked at Bi Hao, but he was a little arrogant, “I know that you are the person in charge of this disciple collection meeting, and I also know that your cultivation is very strong, can I ask me to worship you directly as a teacher, I want to learn, I want to avenge my parents.” ”

As a result, the people behind him began to whisper.

“This Chu Zihang heart is really not small, that person is Bi Hao, that is the leader of the young generation, even the little monster of Mount Meru may not be able to win the existence, he actually directly worshiped him as a teacher, this mind is too deep, and said what to avenge his parents, I see that he obviously wants to fly up the branches and become a phoenix!”

“Guess what’s going to happen to people?” Maybe people just want to fly up the branches and become a phoenix, maybe what people say is true, and you are not too much to say this. People who were not accustomed to Chu Zihang abounded, and immediately began to mock him.

Bi Hao’s eyes were cold, and he commanded the phoenix, “Those who were talking about it just now were dragged out for me, and Mount Emei will never be admitted.” ”

“What—” Those people did not expect that they would be punished so harshly by Bi Hao after just a few casual remarks.

It’s just that the video stone on Mount Emei at the moment clearly records which people have broken their mouths, so those people were quickly swept out by the people on Mount Emei, at this time the hall returned to silence, people looked at Bi Hao sitting on the main hall in fear, their eyes were full of worship and fear, this person is really powerful, a word can make all people dare not look up.

Phoenix covered her mouth and smiled softly, she didn’t expect Bi Hao to pretend to be cold, it was really good.

Only then did Bi Hao turn his gaze back to Chu Zihang.

“I like your name a lot, and I admire your talent, so now tell me, what is your Tao?” Bi Hao smiled slightly and began to inquire.

Chu Zihang whispered, “My Dao is the Shuluo Dao.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Phoenix and Bi Hao looked at each other, and the eyes of both of them were full of shock.

“What do you say? Is your Tao the Shura Way? You’re not kidding me, you say it again, what the hell are you? ”

This Dao was a Dao that Bi Hao had only possessed when he was born before, so how could he be understood by this child now?

Chu Zihang didn’t know why Bi Hao and Phoenix were so shocked, but he also explained very well, “My Tao was realized when I was three years old, after my father took me on a tour of a massacre. ”

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