Suddenly, Chu Zihang’s sense of dependence on Bi Hao’s heart became even stronger.

“One day as a teacher, one life as a father, you are my regeneration parents!” Saying that, Chu Zihang also ignored the surprise in the eyes of others and bowed straight down.

“Just know that you are grateful, you go down first, and I will continue to receive the discipleship.” After saying this, Bi Hao once again looked at the crowd with a serious look and said, “Are you not convinced, do you think that you are not as lucky as him?” ”

Seeing the color of approval in everyone’s eyes, Bi Hao revealed a sneering smile and said, “He has the Three Spirit Roots, and he is cultivating the Shuluo Dao, and the Shuluo Dao is a Dao that God gives food to eat, and it is naturally suitable for cultivation, can you tell me which of you has a Dao that is better than his, the Dao Three Thousand, his Dao is already the top, such a good seedling, I don’t accept it, can I let others accept it?” ”

At first, everyone thought that it was just a very ordinary and ordinary Dao, but they didn’t expect to be so divine as Bi Hao said, and suddenly some people disobeyed, “That Shuluo Dao is just the Lord’s fairness and justice, why do you value it so much, my Dao is the Red Dust Dao, see through the red dust, and then ascend to the Immortal.” ”

“The path of red dust, the way of red dust, seeing through the vicissitudes of the world, and conceiving the truth of all things in the world, this is indeed a very good way, but the path of Shura, that is fair and just of the Lord, you tell me whether fairness and justice in this world is important or the rolling red dust is important.” This is an obvious question, and the answer is among them.

The Immortal Realm can be free of red dust, but it must be fair and just.

So the person who was questioned had nothing to say and had to leave silently.

“You just let him go?” Red Dust Road, that is also a pretty good seedling. Phoenix whispered to the side.

“What is the use of a good seedling, there are too many distractions in his heart, and the Red Dust Road is not suitable for Mount Emei.” Bi Hao said coldly.

Since Bi Xiuzhen had entrusted him to preside over this gathering of disciples, then he would definitely be responsible for screening the best seedlings, and just now the system told him that this young man who cultivated the Red Dust Dao had a very powerful evil thought in his heart and was not suitable for Mount Emei, so he immediately forked the name of this young man.

Phoenix listened to the condensation and was speechless, she didn’t know that Bi Hao even had such a special function, and she could also see through the hearts of others.

Immediately for the man she was looking at more interested in the heart, she looked at Bi Hao and said with a strange smile, “I didn’t expect you to have so many special functions, do you want to come and see my heart in the future.” Saying that she stood up her proud chest unintentionally, she shook Bi Hao a few times.

Bi Hao was touched by such a big beauty, and naturally his heart was very turbulent, but at that moment he was still very cold on his face, a look of arrogance and inviolability, and said, “Pay attention to your words and deeds, well, the next person.” ”

Immediately after the next person came to the interview, successively interviewed more than 100 people, and finally selected a few good seedlings, Phoenix looked at the dense people in front of him and only a few examiners behind him, and couldn’t help but say worriedly, “Just choose these few, when Uncle Bi asks if we will be too harsh ah.” ”

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