There are countless landscapes, people can’t help but want to find out, such a woman will like it to everyone.

“Well, I don’t like men, but now I don’t like you either, can I?” But Bi Hao still held his heart and had to say such a desperate word to Phoenix, because he really couldn’t like her now, and if he liked Phoenix, he didn’t know what kind of results would appear in the future, so Bi Hao decided not to show his heart to Phoenix for his future days.

Phoenix’s face showed a hint of darkness, but then he raised his head happily, “No, it is you who are willing to explain to me, which means that you already have a good feeling for me, and I believe that you will like me.” ”

“But I’ll leave you later, aren’t you afraid?”

“I have nothing to be afraid of, you will definitely come back in the end, and then leave me… Are you still willing to like me? ”

This sentence Bi Hao had also asked before, but every time he got the answer of the phoenix smiling like a flower, and the answer of each time was exactly the same, so firm, Bi Hao couldn’t help but wonder how much the phoenix wanted to love himself to be so stalking.

For a woman, let alone such a proud woman, Phoenix is willing to do such a thing, should he also be so concessionary, but thinking of the future results Bi Hao has some timidity, he does not dare to bear the result.

His heart was at war between heaven and man, at this time, the system suddenly woke up and said coldly, “You are really good.” ”

“If I had agreed like this, I would have been more beastly, and you didn’t know that we would go to the next plane in the future, not to mention that after you yourself let me occupy this plane, and conquer the entire universe, what if I can’t take her with me?”

As a result, the system revealed a cold tone and said, “Host, are you too small to look at this system, this system has infinite abilities, your so-called weapon space, that is only the initial ability of this system, this system has many other capabilities waiting for you to explore, I don’t know if you have noticed, I said before putting that black cat living space.” ”

Bi Hao’s mind moved slightly, “You mean that after I ascend to a higher level, this space will be upgraded, and then these women of the Phoenix can also be taken away by me.” ”

The system said in a satisfied tone, “It seems that the host is not stupid enough to go home, yes, you can bring these women into the space when the time comes.” ”

“It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but what if you suddenly crash?” Your pit bull system is always doing things. ”

He hadn’t thought about putting these women into the space of the system before, but when he thought about it, if the system did something to lock up these women, wouldn’t he be so unlucky that he didn’t even have a place to cry? Not to mention that your own system made a mistake, and you have to cry and lick it.

That’s all hard to think about.

So Bi Hao quickly passed this idea in his heart, but now that the system is brought up again, Bi Hao also began to discuss with the system very seriously, and the result was that the system said with a package ticket, “Rest assured, host, this system is a system with guaranteed pit products…”

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