Bi Hao’s words were very powerful, and as soon as these people thought about what they had just done, they immediately began to tremble.

“Okay, Phoenix, I don’t want to get my hands dirty, you kill them all, remember to burn them clean, this bathroom will take a bath later.” Bi Hao walked out of the hot spring with his back to his back.

The phoenix behind him couldn’t help but smile slightly, nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll be in charge, super clean, rest assured, my barbecue technology is the best.” ”

Those few people looked at the phoenix in horror as the demon god walked in front of them and lit flames at them, and then they found that some flames had risen out of thin air that could be cultivated into a very high level of fire magic.

They didn’t expect that the little girl in front of them looked young, but she was already able to produce such a profound spell, and no matter how they thought about it, they knew who they had offended.

“You are the little monster on Mount Meru—” the men began to beg for their lives, “let me go!” ”

“If you know that I am a little monster, and dare to provoke me, you people will wait for death.” Well, I’ll think about you fat pigs again, how should I roast them…” She had a weird smile on her face, “Good barbecue charcoal.” ”

Saying that the fire was over, only some charcoal was left floating on the ground.

Bi Hao watched the phoenix walk out briskly, so he smiled slightly and said, “The matter has been solved? ”

Phoenix Xiao raised his hand proudly and said, “That’s not it, this girl has no things that can’t be solved, these few people are cultivating well, it’s a bit high for these people on Mount Emei now, but for me it’s just a rookie.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile and said, “I have to say that God is indeed eccentric, you people have enjoyed the admiration of all people since you were born, and you are indeed the proud sons of heaven.” ”

“No matter how proud I am, I am just a well-behaved kitten in front of you.” Phoenix smiled softly, took Bi Hao’s hand and said, “Damaged by these people, why don’t we go to other places to take a walk, I remember that there are still many interesting places in Mount Emei, I will take you to walk around, maybe after you think I am not particularly good-looking, you will stay and leave.” ”

“Then what if I still insist on leaving, I still want to go to the end of the world, I want to see the customs and customs of this world.” 」 Bi Hao said very seriously.

After a moment of silence, the phoenix raised her head and said with a smile, “Then I will definitely follow you, I will go wherever you go, and I will follow you for the rest of your life and never leave you.” ”

“Can I see this as your confession to me?” Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“This is my confession to you, you have heard it clearly for me, and you are not allowed to forget it for me.” Phoenix said with an arrogant face, “If you dare to forget, I will kill you when I chase you to the end of the world, anyway, you can’t cultivate better than me now, if you want to bully you, you can’t do anything about me.” ”

Bi Hao said helplessly, “Then are you threatening me?” ”

Phoenix Xiao said proudly, “Yes, I am threatening you, what can you do?” Can you hit me? Ah, don’t you beat me? “Say that watery red lips!” Pursed.

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