“You hate.” Phoenix Meimei glanced at him, skimmed his lips and stopped talking, the small mouth looked like she was angry, but Bi Hao knew that she just wanted to coax her by herself, so he smiled slightly, hugged Phoenix, and said softly, “Rest assured, there is an opportunity, why don’t you take me for a walk today?” ”

Phoenix nodded and said, “Well, that’s pretty much it, so I’ll take you for a walk and take you to see the customs and customs of these places.” ”

The scenery on Mount Emei is very good, and there are many interesting places, and immediately the phoenix took him to the secret room of Mount Emei, and the secret room did not go long, and it arrived soon.

The secret room was hidden in the deep path, all the way to the green and dripping tall bamboo, walked for a short time before I saw a small door made of stone slabs hidden, is there anything interesting in this secret room? Bi Hao asked with a smile.

Phoenix smiled slightly and said, “You’ll know it when you go in.” Immediately she walked to the front of the secret room, reached out and gently knocked on the stone door three times, and then the stone trough door rumbled open, and the moment it opened, it revealed a brilliant golden light, Bi Hao was caught off guard, and couldn’t help but subconsciously cover his eyes, after all, the golden light was very hurtful.

As a result, Phoenix’s very puzzled voice came out, “What are you doing?” How do you cover your eyes? ”

Bi Hao didn’t let go of his hand until he confirmed that the golden light had receded, and looked at the phoenix with an irritated face, “Didn’t you see the golden light?” I just saw a dazzling golden light, and I felt like I was going to blind my eyes. ”

Phoenix said with a slight stunned, “I’ve been to this secret room many times, I’ve never seen any golden light, and I didn’t see any golden light just now, are you sure you really saw it just now?” ”

Bi Hao was slightly stunned, what kind of situation, is this situation only he can see.

“There is.” The system suddenly rang out in the lazy tone common to the system, “There is danger ahead, please pay attention to the host.” ”

This tone really made Bi Hao a little unhappy, and he frowned slightly.

The last time the system said there was danger, but it turned out to be a phoenix, it seems that the system may not be able to fully believe what it says. At that moment, he didn’t quite believe in this danger, after all, the phoenix and the previous Bi Hao had not seen it for so long, not to mention that the previous Bi Hao was the same physique as himself, why did he not notice these dangers, then it was even more impossible for him to go in.

So immediately Bi Hao walked in with a big grin, for the system, Bi Hao is now very speechless, a system that reminds himself at any time that is not reliable, Bi Hao is even thinking about whether he should unbind this system.

As a result, the system said coldly, “If the host wants to unbind, please return everything that you get from the system, including your cultivation.” ”

If you return everything you get from the system, won’t you become a waste?

At that moment, Bi Hao shook his head, it was absolutely impossible for him to return these things, so he could only dispel this idea, but the current system never seemed to be enough for Bi Hao now!

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