Now in this atmosphere, the two people walked side by side in the small secret room, the feeling was even more intense, looking at the smooth and tender skin of the phoenix, Bi Hao couldn’t help but want to kiss it, so he did it like this.

When his lips landed on the soft skin of the phoenix, he actually felt the almost irrepressible trembling, which made the phoenix can’t help but exhale, and quickly covered his face, looking at him with a look of complaint, “What are you doing?” ”

Although this tone is quite complaining, but there is also a faint pampering and sweetness, it seems that the phoenix does not reject him from kissing her.

So Bi Hao looked at her for a long time and said, “What’s wrong with me kissing my wife?” Aren’t you my wife? ”

Phoenix couldn’t help but cover his face, extra shy, “What are you talking about?” You know I’m your wife, and you’re still doing this to me… It’s so annoying. ”

“I can’t kiss my wife, are you going to make me an ascetic little prince?” Bi Hao couldn’t help but say innocently, “I don’t want to.” ”

Phoenix snorted and said, “As long as your mouth is sweet, I will not take you to play in the future, and if you do this again, I will beat you.” ”

This is really a terrible threat, Bi Hao couldn’t help but laugh.

Phoenix is really a very cute girl, making him laugh all the time, such pistachios are really hard to find.

If it weren’t for the fact that people between the two planes didn’t dare to fall in love, they would have taken down the phoenix a long time ago.

Fortunately, it is not too late.

“Strangely, when we were in this secret room before, I remember it wasn’t so dark.” Phoenix took Bi Hao’s arm and said slightly worriedly.

“But no, after walking around for so long, I didn’t see that there are a lot of fun things in your so-called inside, and you shouldn’t pit me.” Bi Hao looked at the phoenix slightly suspiciously, although he knew that the phoenix would not pit him, but at the moment, Bi Hao felt that this secret room was not simple.

After all, how can a normal Chamber of Secrets be dressed like this.

Why is this chamber not normal, because this chamber is full of skeletons, but seeing the way the phoenix is accustomed to it, Bi Hao knows that this skeleton must have been in this chamber before.

But this did not prevent Bi Hao from having more desire to explore, so he looked at the phoenix and said, “Did you have a lot of skeletons when you were here before?” ”

Phoenix nodded and said, “Aren’t you afraid of this?” These things are nothing to be afraid of for us. ”

“I’m not afraid of this thing, but what are these skeletons for?” Bi Hao frowned slightly.

There were so many skulls in the narrow and narrow passage, but the phoenix people had never taken it seriously, and it seemed that this heart was really big.

Phoenix smiled slightly and said, “We have also finished reading this secret room, it seems that there is nothing interesting about it, strange, if someone found it, it is that everything in it has been emptied.” Her tone was very confused.

“Was there a lot of fun in this chamber before?” Bi Hao keenly grasped what was in her words.

Phoenix nodded and said, “Yes, there are a lot of magic weapons and things in it, and they are all very special and rare!” ”

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