Bi Hao also nodded, and he felt the same way.

Bi Xiuzhen drew a mysterious smile and said, “That’s just that you think that cultivating pure hearts and desires is not false, but there are also seven emotions and six desires in your heart, if it is really too high and forgetful, that kind of person has long been sanctified, but we have not seen it now, so there is no one who can really be cold and cold-hearted.” ”

“And where is this spring love mushroom so powerful?” The aphrodisiac effect it produces can confuse you according to what you want most in your heart, it can be said that this spring love mushroom is an enlarged version of the illusion, and the effect is very strong, no one can resist its temptation. Bi Xiuzhen laughed and continued.

“But when I and the phoenix were picking, we didn’t have as amazing skills as you said.” Bi Hao frowned slightly.

“Not as amazing as I said?” Bi Xiuzhen couldn’t help but continue laughing, “If you two hadn’t done that kind of thing, do you think you two would have been able to get out of that environment unharmed?” Not at all. ”

As he spoke, his tone became a little solemn, “This spring love mushroom can amplify your own desires and make you have the urge to estrus, if this estrus is not contained, you will eventually be unable to help yourself and die there.” ”

Immediately he sighed and said, “So, the Spring Love Mushroom is actually not only an excellent material for practicing instruments, but also a good material for alchemy, why?” Because the addition of alchemy can explore the deepest desires in people’s hearts, and this desire can be tempered by other medicinal materials, it can be cultivated into a kind of elixir called phantom heart dan, which will form a small illusion just by gently flicking away, hurting the enemy, which is a very special combat elixir. ”

“This elixir sounds very powerful.” Bi Hao said with some shock.

“But no, the long-lost elixir in the cultivation world, this elixir can fight on behalf of the master, which is equivalent to being able to take down the enemy’s first rank without effort, and you say that this elixir is not strong.” Bi Xiuzhen snorted and said, “But fortunately, there are too few spring love mushrooms in this world, every one found will lead to a bloody scramble, so far we have not found several spring love mushrooms in the cultivation world, and your appearance is so huge, and the appearance of your appearance is also very good, it is actually a good product, if it is known, we Emei Mountain are afraid that we will be besieged by many sects, and those sects will definitely think that the world’s heavy treasures must not be privately collected by our Emei Mountain.” If we want Mount Emei to hand over this spring love mushroom, even if we take the big head of Mount Emei, they must also insert it and share a piece of the pie. ”

The more Bi Xiuzhen said it, the more afraid he became, fortunately, this thing was only known to Bi Hao and Phoenix, and Phoenix and Bi Hao were trustworthy.

Immediately he said, “Or let’s cultivate this spring love mushroom first, and see if we can make it survive, if it survives, its effect will be even greater.” ”

“That’s true, and I’m also curious about how this spring mushroom will be useful.” Bi Hao nodded, quite agreeing.

Several people snaked all the way and went around a large circle before they reached the Spirit Medicine Cultivation Room of Mount Emei.

The Spirit Medicine Cultivation Room of Mount Emei was very magnificent, with many beautiful plants cultivating in it, some of which emitted a faint purple light, and it seemed that it was very powerful and a rare medicine.

“This is our Spirit Medicine Cultivation Room in Mount Emei, and you can see if it is okay.” Bi Xiuzhen proudly introduced himself to Bi Hao and Phoenix.

The phoenix was full of brilliance in her eyes, and there was also such a elixir cultivation room on Mount Meru, but it did not have the grandeur of Mount Emei.

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