“So I advise you to just be a spectator and never shoot.”

Saying that, Bi Xiuzhen flew out of the mountain protection array with the three people of Bi Hao’s phoenix and came to the top of the clouds to confront Li Xiuyuan.

Li Xiuyuan saw Bi Xiuzhen, who had finally come out after scolding him for a long time, and that feeling was an indescribable pleasure of writing with his heart.

Only at the moment, he looked at the two teenagers next to Bi Xiuzhen and couldn’t help but mockingly pick up the corners of his mouth and said, “Old fellow, I can’t win the fight, I still want to bring two small children here, how, is it planned to accompany you to the funeral?” ”

“You are wrong to say this, how to say that it is the person who buried for me, I just let the two of them come to collect the body with you, after all, I can’t guarantee that you will not be burned into ashes by me in a while, right… You call me old guy? It seems that your recent cultivation has been so lean that even I am not afraid, and you used to respectfully call me the Lord of Mount Emei, but now you can call me by my nickname. Bi Xiuzhen’s eyes became more and more cold, and his mouth said mercilessly.

As a result, Li Xiuyuan laughed and said, “I am happy to call you like this, what can I do?” What, want to hit me? Do you have that qualification? Now that I have cultivated the Space Dao, if you can touch a single hair of me, I will call you Father. ”

“I am naturally inferior to you in cultivating the space theory speed theory and space mastery ability, and if you say something like this, it may be too strong for me to do, but since you have to recognize me, who is not a few years older than you, as a father, then I have to reluctantly agree.” There was no hesitation between Bi Xiuzhen’s words, and he directly threw a flame palm at Li Xiuyuan’s face.

Li Xiuyuan felt the scorching wave of fire explode in his face, and the speed of that moment actually made him, who controlled the space, have no reaction to avoid, but it was only for a moment, and the next moment Li Xiuyuan used his unparalleled space mastery ability to easily dodge the flame palm, and the flame palm containing strong power shook in the space, but suddenly did not know where it disappeared and seemed to disappear out of thin air, very strange.

This was just the most preliminary temptation, Bi Xiuzhen did not have any disappointment in the failure of his attack, just looked at Li Xiuyuan and suddenly drew a strange smile and said, “I didn’t expect that you have reached this point now, it seems that I have always underestimated you before, but it is no wonder that the waste wood that has been stepped on by me before has suddenly risen, and it is a little uncomfortable in anyone’s heart.” ”

Bi Hao listened amused and couldn’t help but whisper to Phoenix, “Look at your father, even if it is such a point, you have to face the guilt of death, and you have to pretend to be forced in front of Li Xiuyuan, so that Li Xiuyuan is annoyed and ashamed, and you see Li Xiuyuan’s face is iron blue.” ”

Phoenix looked at Li Xiuyuan’s face from the side, and really thought it was funny, so he smiled and said, “Yes, his face is really funny.” ”

Li Xiuyuan did not expect that Bi Xiuzhen had reached such a point, and he would humiliate himself fiercely, and he also called himself a person who had always been his competitor as a waste material, and said that he had been stepping on his feet all the time.

It was tolerable, it was intolerable, and such an insult to Li Xiuyuan was immediately angry.

Suddenly, he revealed a sincere smile…

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