Black Kirin, it seems that this is the case, his partner will not really be a Black Kirin.

Immediately after, the system began the introduction of the third skill.

“The Wrath of the Kirin – The long knife attaches to the wrath of the Kirin, bringing endless power and can crush all enemies in the world today.”

“I rely on it, this skill is also too strong.” Bi Hao was shocked.

The introduction of this skill is simply not too domineering to leak sideways.

This means that God blocks the killing of God and Buddha.

Bi Hao was holding the long knife of the Qilin on the side, although this knife was very long, but the texture was very light for him, so it was not too difficult to hold, and the Phoenix Bi Xiuzhen and Li Xiuyuan looked at Bi Hao’s hand and suddenly a long knife appeared in his hand, and his eyes were shocked.

“If I’m not mistaken, this knife is the one that disappeared that year…” Bi Xiuzhen looked at the so-called long knife of the unicorn and muttered to himself in shock.

Bi Hao didn’t understand what he meant and was about to ask, but Li Xiuyuan suddenly burst out laughing, “It’s really heaven help that I didn’t expect to be able to encounter this knife, it’s just great!” ”

The reason why he was able to find time to speak was also because he had completed the summoning, and his brother had crept out from behind him at this moment.

His brother was a mutilated skeleton soul, and at the moment there was only one hand and one foot left, and the skeleton’s face was also full of holes, looking miserable.

However, he exuded a powerful aura all over his body, and even the current compulsory cultivation really could not withstand his momentum.

But Bi Hao knew that Bi Xiu’s true weakness was only superficial, and how could Bi Xiuzhen, who could attract the Heavenly Robber’s hand, be weaker than Li Xiuyuan’s brothers.

As a result, in the next instant, the clouds in the sky rumbled, and it seemed that he couldn’t wait to take a shot at Bi Xiuzhen, who looked up at the clouds in the sky and said secretly, “Heavenly Dao True tm don’t want to face.” ”

This was exactly what Bi Hao wanted to say, and at this time, there was no longer any effort to ask where this long knife came from.

At this moment, the clouds of destruction in the sky contained endless power and rumbled towards Bi Xiuzhen.

Bi Hao didn’t even think about it, so he slammed the Qilin long knife in the direction of Bi Xiuzhen.

The long knife suddenly turned into a huge long knife several 10 meters wide, and then the roar of the skill Qilin also roared, blocking the heavenly disaster.

It seems that this so-called heavenly calamity should also be caused by magic, then I can use this long sword with confidence and boldness, and the cultivation system in this world today cannot hurt me at all.

Bi Hao wanted to understand this and was excited, getting this long knife was almost equivalent to getting the open hanging weapon, I really didn’t expect that the system had such a great weapon, it seemed that he would have to exploit him again.

As a result, the system heard Bi Hao’s broken thoughts and said coldly in his heart, “Please don’t worry about my weapons anymore, you can only open one in one world.” ”

“A world can only open a hand, the system you want to be so stingy, you are so stingy, I will not be friends with you!” 」 Bi Hao was stunned, and then he said with a dark rub.

Obviously, the system knew Bi Hao’s brazenness, and at that time he just said very calmly, “This is the master’s rule that has nothing to do with me, and the host can challenge my master if he wants.” ”

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