This measure is to preserve all of Bi Hao’s strength on the earth while also strengthening Bi Hao’s body.

And because the system has now been upgraded to a very advanced level, it is said that now strengthening Bi Hao’s body no longer needs those so-called potions and the like, at present, as long as Bi Hao wants to drive the system at any time, the system can provide enhancement for Bi Hao’s body, but this enhancement is very depleting of Bi Hao’s physical functions. But those magical potions with a system, this drizzle-like loss of body functions was really not worth mentioning in Bi Hao’s eyes.

Feeling the powerful power in his body that he had not seen for a long time, Bi Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “After playing in your world for a long time, I have almost forgotten my own old business.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen looked at his cheap son with great curiosity, he did not expect that Bi Hao’s body would suddenly burst out a momentum that was not weaker than his, and even vaguely stronger than him.

But this momentum was something he felt was unbelievable, because the power it brought was something he had never seen before.

He thought at that time that this should be what Bi Hao called the power of another world.

Is it just the power of another world that can turn the tide? Bi Xiu really felt that it was impossible.

But after all, it was his own son, and he should also praise it, and at that moment, Bi Xiuzhen said very seriously, “Don’t be strong, if you are shot by the Heavenly Dao, then you will suffer.” ”

Bi Hao understood that this was a warning from Bi Xiuzhen’s good intentions.

At that moment he nodded and smiled and said, “Rest assured, I have a measure.” ”

Therefore, in the next instant, Bi Hao suddenly reached Li Xiuyuan’s back with the ability to jump in space, and Li Xiuyuan had not yet reacted to why the person in front of him suddenly disappeared, and he felt a chill on his back.

It turned out that one of Bi Hao’s long daggers was already locked around his neck.

“You… Who are you! How can you be so fast? Your speed is unbelievable! Bi Hao suddenly disappeared without his naked eye and suddenly appeared behind him, this mysterious ability made him very jealous.

Bi Hao smiled darkly and said, “There are still many things that surprise you, Grandpa, I don’t want to show you one by one, but now you seem to have lost, don’t forget that your neck is under my knife.” ”

Li Xiuyuan laughed, “I didn’t expect you to be so powerful, originally I was shocked when I learned that you came from another world, but at that time you didn’t have any cultivation at all, I thought you were a waste, but I didn’t expect you to be so powerful, it seems that I underestimated you, but it doesn’t matter, after all, you don’t know if I’m real – right?” ”

During the conversation, Li Xiuyuan laughed loudly, and as a result, a layer of smoke rose up, and Li Xiuyuan actually disappeared.

In an instant, it appeared at a distance of nearly ten zhang from Bi Hao, and at this moment, while blocking the Heavenly Scourge with the Qilin Long Sword, Phoenix was also watching the battle situation on this side very seriously.

Seeing Li Xiuyuan traveling around Bi Hao and Bi Xiuzhen at a very strange speed of space crossing, he couldn’t help but be anxious.

This kind of space shuttle ability is simply too terrible, the naked eye is not visible to the naked eye, it suddenly appears in your back and then stabs you, ask who can bear it, not to mention that the original strength of Li Xiuyuan and Bi Xiuzhen is not very different.

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