“You shameless old thief is simply shameless when you say such a thing!” Li Xiuyuan said with an angry face.

Bi Hao gave a blank stare, some did not know what to say, how shameless Bi Xiuzhen was, this Li Xiuyuan was not unaware, and now repeated again and again, did he think that after repeating it, Bi Xiuzhen would become not shameless, wrong, Bi Xiuzhen would only be more shameless.

Bi Xiuzhen solved the problem of the Heavenly Disaster, and now he was in a very good mood, and he didn’t want to worry too much with Li Xiuyuan, but just looked at him with a flat look and said, “Li Xiuyuan Pifu, I see that you haven’t really hurt me and my family’s sake, and I don’t want to clean up after you, I give you a chance, now get out of the way, but your brother’s soul body left me, as for you, you can roll now.” ”

Li Xiuyuan trembled slightly, and then he gritted his teeth and looked at Bi Xiuzhen and said, “Do you think I will give up my brother?” You think too much. ”

Li Xiuyuan looked at him with a serious face and said, “My brother was summoned by me, and I will never let him be used by you to do research!” ”

Bi Xiuzhen raised an eyebrow and said, “What am I doing with your brother’s research?” Your brother’s soul is very powerful, take it to let me practice Dan, I guess I can practice a very powerful Dan medicine, when I eat it may have greater progress. ”

Although he understood that in this world, talent was the most powerful cultivation elixir, hearing Bi Xiuzhen say that he wanted to eat a soul as a material for alchemy in such a dignified manner simply overwhelmed Bi Hao, and even a faint chill in his back.

He frowned, somewhat uncomfortable with the change in Bi Xiuzhen’s attitude in front of him, and Phoenix saw the gentle tapping on the back of his hand and said, “Husband, what’s wrong with you?” ”

Bi Hao’s face turned pale and revealed a plain smile, and he said, “It’s okay, I’m just a little unaccustomed, opening my mouth and closing my mouth is eating people.” ”

In fact, Bi Hao did not kill people when he was on the earth, and when he was on the earth, he cut through thorns and thorns, so many times of danger, how could he survive without killing people.

However, if he wanted to eat a person’s soul, it was still impossible for Bi Hao to do it, but now looking at the dialogue between Bi Xiuzhen and Li Xiuyuan, both of them must have done this kind of thing often.

Feeling Bi Hao’s burning gaze, Bi Xiuzhen turned his head to look at Bi Hao with a bright smile and said, “Son, you see your father I found you a soul body, and if you eat this soul body, you will definitely cultivate to improve more.” ”

Bi Hao sighed helplessly and said, “Daddy, I don’t eat soul bodies, how can you say this thing is also a human soul, even if he is not a real human race now, it looks quite receptive.” ”

Bi Xiuzhen was slightly stunned, he did not expect that his son actually refused his kindness, and suddenly his face was a little hanging, Li Xiuyuan said with a sinister smile on the side, “Thousands of hardships, for the sake of his son, the result is that this son is not his own child, don’t you feel that the diaphragm should be?” Now he can be good to you because of interests, but in the end he can also abandon you because of interests, don’t you feel good like this? ”

Bi Xiuzhen first looked at Bi Hao in silence, Bi Hao was a little hairy by him, but Bi Hao wanted to hear how Bi Xiuzhen faced this problem, and as a result, Bi Xiuzhen suddenly laughed and pointed at Li Xiuyuan in the next instant, laughing so hard that he couldn’t even stand up straight.

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