At this moment, an unprecedented powerful battle broke out on Mount Emei, and all the major forces sent people to watch, even if they watched from a distance, they also felt that those powers were enough to shake the earth.

At this moment, the peak of Emei Mountain had gathered two different levels of strength, that power was either violent or peaceful, but only one thing was the same, both of which contained endless battle intentions.

However, none of the disciples in Mount Emei came out to watch this battle, because Bi Xiuzhen had already given an order before, and the people of Mount Emei were not allowed to come out, and if they came out, they would be immediately expelled from Mount Emei?

At this moment, the only people in Mount Emei who could watch this battle up close were Bi Hao and Phoenix.

Bi Hao and Phoenix were also far away at this moment, afraid of affecting themselves, after all, this was a battle between the two top cultivators in the cultivation world.

If a person is accidentally affected, the moment will really be gone.

Phoenix frowned slightly as she looked at it and said, “I thought that my cultivation had gradually approached Uncle Bi.” But I didn’t expect Uncle Bi to be so powerful. ”

Bi Hao sighed and said, “Rest assured wife, you will become so powerful in the future.” ”

At this time, the system came with a Didi prompt, and immediately his heart looked at the data given to him by the system.

“Bi Xiuzhen’s cultivation at this moment is the degree of use: 70%.”

“Li Xiuyuan at this moment cultivation is the degree of use: 300%”

The two figures are very different, but they can reflect who the balance of victory or defeat of the battle at that time will be tilted towards.

Bi Hao sighed and was very happy in his heart, Li Xiuyuan had used more than 100% of his strength to deal with the battle, but it was still not worth Bi Xiuzhen’s use of only 70% of his strength, and Li Xiuyuan was unlikely to catch up with Bi Xiuzhen in this life.

Of course, Li Xiuyuan, who was going all out at this moment, did not know that he was actually not worth letting him exert his full strength in Bi Xiuzhen’s eyes, but the fierce battle at this moment made him feel that he had a new understanding of a new realm.

His space path was fully open, and a black hole was all over the space of the rushing towards Bi Xiuzhen?

But Bi Xiuzhen easily dodged those black holes as easily as he was strolling in the garden, his expression was extremely calm, but at the same time, he revealed a trace of mockery, “Old Piff, are you at such a level?” These black holes are not enough for me to plug my teeth. ”

Only then did Li Xiuyuan discover a shocking and inexplicable fact, Bi Xiuzhen was likely to have a higher understanding of space than he did.

“When did you realize this?” He gritted his teeth and asked.

“Since when?” Bi Xiuzhen was slightly stunned at first, and then he said amusingly, “You may never know what my Dao is called, but after all these years of fighting, it seems that you have never cared about my Dao.” ”

Not only Li Xiuyuan was concerned, in fact, the people of all the major forces present were very concerned, and they pricked up their ears for fear of missing a word, and Bi Hao was also a little curious at that moment, and raised his ears to listen, because he did not know what Bi Xiuzhen was.

“Do you think Lao Tzu doesn’t want to know your Tao?” You old man never wielded power in every fight, and I know what the Tao of yours is! ”

Bi Xiuzhen plucked out his ears and said softly, “Is that so?” I don’t remember. ”

This bland sentence almost made Li Xiuyuan vomit blood and die.

It was hard to wait for such a battle, but for Bi Xiuzhen, it was just like a family affair.

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