The young master of the Bi family couldn’t help but think about the misfortune of his own family, how he liked such a little shrew as the phoenix, and couldn’t help but start to miss his confidants on the earth, how gentle those red-faced confidants were, but when he thought about it like this, he felt that the phoenix actually had a different taste.

Such a spicy little pepper, he also liked it, not to mention that he loved him wholeheartedly, and it was really bad for him to be like this, so he immediately looked at the phoenix, and then said softly to the phoenix, “Rest assured, I won’t like her, you don’t want to eat flying vinegar.” This kind of sexual affairs compares to women who have different values than me, and I will not be good with her. ”

Phoenix Mei glanced at him and said, “Then who is in harmony with you?” This was obviously to ask herself, Bi Hao immediately smiled and said, “Of course it is you, who else but you can be in harmony with me?” ”

He only liked the phoenix alone in this world, so he felt that there was nothing wrong with saying this, and he was at ease.

If it was in another world to make him say this, of course, he would not dare.

As a woman in love, Phoenix’s IQ of splitting love words is much lower, and when she hears Bi Hao coaxing her in such a gentle voice, all the unhappiness in her heart suddenly disappears.

In fact, there was nothing unhappy in the first place, it was just Bi Hao’s sudden kindness, wanting her to coax Li Ting, and it was also said that it was for the establishment of the state religion after Mount Emei, which she was not happy about, but she remembered the dirty things that happened between Bi Hao and Li Ting before, and she felt that she should respond, but thinking about it, this Bi Hao is Bi Hao of another world.

The previous events had nothing to do with him, so why should I be angry with him?

Suddenly the phoenix was not angry, and said with a smile, “Then I will comfort her later.” ”

Bi Hao said with some surprise, “Why don’t you go now?” ”

Phoenix said mysteriously, “I will help Uncle Bi seal this ghost Guanyin.” ”

With that, the two men looked up at the black-faced ghost Guanyin.

Bi Hao’s heart couldn’t help but worry slightly, it seemed that Bi Xiu really had no intention of escaping, and he was already exhausted at this moment, and he didn’t know if he still had room to escape.

But it was clear that Bixiu was really stubborn and would never allow him to flee.

Immediately, he was panting, sweating like rain, and he looked at the solemn color on the face of the ghost Guanyin in front of him.

There are no big forces in the distance to watch, in fact, it is okay to flee at this moment, but Bi Xiuzhen was the first to give up this idea, if he let this ghost Guanyin wreak havoc on the human world, how many living beings will be harmed at that time, he Bi Xiuzhen, even if he fights this old life today, he will seal the ghost Guanyin again. At that moment, Bi Xiuzhen proposed a long sword, this long sword was his original divine soldier, with sharp and incomparable skill effects, it looked dazzling and dazzling.

“Is this what Father is going to use his Divine Soldier?” Father is going to fight hard, isn’t he? Bi Hao watched in awe.

“But I always feel that this matter is not so easy to solve, Uncle Bi is very likely…” Phoenix was worried, and wanted to stop talking.

Bi Hao looked at her, “You mean my father will lose.” ”

Phoenix shook her head and said, “You don’t know, this matter really can’t be blamed on Uncle Bi, but because his current strength has also been slashed so badly, there is no way to resist at all.” ”

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