At this time, Ghost Guanyin looked at him with a look of memory in his eyes, and suddenly screamed twice, Bi Hao didn’t understand much, but at this time, Ghost Guanyin suddenly stretched out his abominable hand, and Bi Hao’s head slapped hard, this time it didn’t really hit Bi Hao’s head, but the powerful impact still brought Bi Hao a lot of shock.

Soon after Bi Hou, he felt as if there was an extra seed in his mind, that seed allowed him to understand what Ghost Guanyin said, and Bi Hao couldn’t help but sigh what this seed was about. Why is it so powerful.

Bi Xiuzhen, who was resting at the bottom, saw the ghost Guanyin move on Bi Hao, and he was almost frightened that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were about to explode together, but he did not expect Bi Hao to accept it calmly, and it seemed that nothing was happening.

Bi Xiu’s really restless heart was only then relieved, it seemed that this ghost Guanyin should have no malice, and seeing that Bi Hao’s current appearance should have made some progress in the communication between the two people, he didn’t want to bother now, but he was very vigilant in observing the ghost Guanyin, worried about when this ghost Guanyin would burst out and hurt his son.

But it was obvious that Ghost Guanyin really had no malice, and now Ghost Guanyin looked at Bi Hao, and his eyes were full of kindness.

Bi Hao was not very accustomed to a demon god showing such an expression to himself, but when he had a little resistance to this ghost Guanyin’s expression in his heart, he immediately found that Ghost Guanyin’s golden red eyes revealed a trace of sadness, this emotion is amazing, indicating that this Ghost Guanyin has human sanity and also has human emotions.

That means that he still has a certain consciousness, so is he able to communicate friendly? Therefore, Bi Hao tried to communicate with him, “My name is Bi Hao, what is your name?” ”

Ghost Guanyin began to scream twice, but at this time the seed in Bi Hao’s mind made a sound, my name is Manjushri.

Bi Hao understood that this was just the ghost Guanyin that he used as a translation artifact between the two people, Bi Hao couldn’t help but grin, he didn’t expect that this ghost Guanyin even knew how to make him understand his words.

But at that moment, Bi Hao also frowned, saying that his name was Manjushri, and Manjushri was not a very powerful bodhisattva? Could it be that this present bodhisattva is the so-called Manjushri Bodhisattva, and he remembers that this Manjushri Bodhisattva in Journey to the West is the bodhisattva who took the Dingfeng Bead?

These two worlds should not have been one world, and then I don’t know how to separate them, why did you meet the real Manjushri Bodhisattva in this world, there are many legends of Manjushri Bodhisattva on the earth.

However, Bi Hao did not understand why this Manjushri Bodhisattva would show such a friendly look to himself, and then he looked at the ghost Guanyin with a slight frown and said, “Then can you tell me about your past?” ”

He had thought that Ghost Guanyin would tell him, but he didn’t expect that the seed in his mind suddenly trembled violently, and Ghost Guanyin’s face also showed a very painful expression, Bi Hao didn’t know what kind of changes this Ghost Guanyin had experienced, but at present it seemed that he couldn’t ask if he wanted to know his past.

However, it was obvious that there was no way out of heaven, and he was going to give up this path but he didn’t intend to give up asking about it, he just looked at the expression of Ghost Guanyin and calmed down before slowly saying, “I want to know if the two of us have a relationship.” ”

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