Bi Hao snorted, not knowing what to say.

How squeamish is he, who let himself be unfamiliar with life, now should be a squeamish monkey.

But his posture will naturally cause dissatisfaction, and when the little female monkey looked at him, she burst out laughing and said, “Why do I feel that you are so similar to those monkey dealers outside?” ”

Bi Hao rolled his eyes and said, “Don’t get me involved with those disgusting things, Lao Tzu is now a righteous monkey.” ”

The little female monkey nodded subconsciously and said, “Oh, well, then I went to tell my grandfather, you are waiting for me here, obedient.” ”

So Bi Hao nodded his head and smiled slightly, “Well, then I am waiting for you.” ”

So I watched the little female monkey bounce away with her back to him.

Bi Hao couldn’t help but smile slightly, this little female monkey, he hadn’t looked seriously before, now he thought about it was quite beautiful, if it wasn’t a monkey, maybe it was also a human beauty.

Thinking like this, he felt that his own face was a little red, what was wrong with him? Already hungry? How can you have such an idea about a monkey, then he patted his face hard, and then hung his tail on the branch and had to say, this monkey is fun, the tail hanging on the branch will not feel anything, the sense of balance is super strong.

Soon the little female monkey returned, and there was an old monkey behind her, Bi Hao knew that this old monkey was her grandfather when he saw it, and immediately put his tail down and stood in front of the little female monkey, a little nervous.

This nervousness was due to the fear that the old man would not let the little monkey follow him, otherwise it would be too difficult for him to find a monkey who could help him find a hiding place, not to mention that the temper of this little female monkey was quite appetizing to him.

The old man looked at him with the kind of wisdom that only humans can have, looked up and down, looked left and right, looked at Bi Hao uncomfortable, and his face was a little blushing, the old man nodded and said, “Well, you monkey, although you look relatively thin, but it is still okay to match my little female monkey.” ”

I lean on, with your little female monkey what a ghost! Your little female monkey just wants to take me to find a place to live, not to find a partner!

The old man in the groove quickly opened your monkey eyes, to see that your girlfriend does not mean this to me, I do not mean this to her, Lao Tzu is hungry and thirsty, he can’t be interested in a monkey!

As a result, he squeezed his eyebrows like this, but let the old man think that this was really his meaning, and immediately laughed and said, “My little female monkey said that you spared no effort to arrest her and wanted to elope with her, I see that my little monkey is also very sincere to you, since this is the case, the happy event will be fixed tonight, tonight you will go to my little monkey cave room, mate well, oh, I am optimistic about you ~”

The old man laughed, and as a result, he turned around and left, if he didn’t see that he was a monkey, he would have a bit of the proud posture of a relic.

But now, Bi Hao said to the little female monkey with a bitter face, “Is this what you said?” ”

The little monkey said with a look of grievance, “My grandfather won’t let me go, and when he heard me tell him that you were going to leave until I left, he thought we were going to elope, and the ghost knew that he would be so crisp.” “Is the little female monkey also wronged?”

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