As a result, Xiao Mumu nodded his head and said, “I do, I would like to go and see the scenery in the heavenly court.” ”

She had been in this monkey mountain for too long, she wanted to see the scenery outside, and now that there was a great opportunity, how could she not go?

Coupled with Xiao Mumu’s kind and simple mind, she would never think that after she went to the Heavenly Garden, there would be no one who would be unpredictable to her, not to mention that there was also the so-called Great Saint Master above the Heavenly Garden, which made her yearn for the Heavenly Court even more, hearing Xiao Mumu agree, the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer’s eyes flashed a meaningful smile.

I didn’t think this female monkey was really stupid enough.

She had already said so, and Bi Hao had no reason to stop it, so he just nodded and said, “Since you want this, then go.” ”

But he said uneasily, “I’ll go with you.” ”

Xiao Mumu was a little puzzled, “You go with me, but people want to take me up, what if you go up and be bullied by them?” ”

Bi Hao smiled and said, “As long as you are willing to let me go, I will never be bullied.” ”

The person who can bully him Bi Hao has not yet been born.

What’s more, he was also worried that Xiao Mumu would be bullied after going to the Heavenly Court, or it would be better for him to follow along.

The Rainbow Cloud Star Officer snorted and said, “Just after Miss Xiaomu Mumu went to the Heavenly Court, she still needs a squire, so it is better for you to be the one.” ”

From the beginning to the end, facing what the Hongyun Star Officer said, to bring the little wooden wood to the Heavenly Court, the monkey elder has not expressed his position, and he does not know why he is unusually very silent, Bi Hao is a little puzzled.

It was supposed that his granddaughter was going to be taken to the Heavenly Court, and the one who should be most opposed was the monkey elder, but at this moment, the elder’s expression was very indifferent, even a little wooden.

It seemed to be an expression of longing for the little wooden horse to leave.

Bi Hao looked at the monkey elder and asked tentatively, “Is it okay for me to go up with Xiao Mumu?” ”

He had thought that the Presbyterian would agree because his granddaughter needed to be taken care of in the heavenly court, but he actually shook his head and said, “No, you have to stay here and help me.” ”

Bi Hao couldn’t laugh and cry, and at the same time, the alarm bell sounded in his heart, how could a monkey who had just come in be involved in the big event of their monkey clan? What’s more? In addition to serving the Minotaur King, Bi Hao knew at that moment that there must be deception in this.

Looking at it again, the monkey elder’s obviously unnatural expression, he couldn’t help but maliciously guess, was it because this monkey elder and the rainbow cloud star official colluded, otherwise why would it suddenly happen?

Bi Hao couldn’t help but sigh and said, “If I don’t go, what if your granddaughter is bullied in the Heavenly Court?” ”

As a result, the monkey elder naturally said, “There is a star officer in the heavenly court to help take care of her, I have nothing to worry about, not to mention that the star officer said to take Xiao Mumu to the heavens and immediately go to the king, Xiao Mumu absolutely cannot be bullied.” ”

Previously, because of a prophecy of the monkey clan, this elder still refused to let Xiao Mumu and Sun Wukong meet, but why did he suddenly change his mind? Bi Hao intuitively felt that there was a big problem here, and he frowned slightly and said, “Didn’t you think that the Great King was not suitable to meet Xiao Mumu before?” How did you suddenly change your mind? ”

What’s going on? However, he and Xiao Mumu talked for a while, how did everything change?

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