But it was difficult for the monkey elder to have such an open-minded idea as he did. In his opinion, it is also possible to save his life with a small number of people, after all, it is to exchange the interests of a small number of people for the interests of the majority of the people, which does not have any guilt at all, but the thought of his well-behaved granddaughter will still have some heartache, but now his granddaughters have become the appearance of human girls.

To tell the truth, not my race, its heart will be different, even if this girl is still his own granddaughter in blood, but let him look at the granddaughter who is already a human girl or some can’t look down, I don’t know why, the aesthetics of the monkey clan are actually different from humans.

This is also a very important reason why he did not hesitate too much.

Of course, Bi Hao could vaguely guess some of his thoughts, so Bi Hao didn’t force it, he just looked at the monkey elder and said very calmly, “Since you have decided to dedicate your grandson, then I will now make three chapters with you, and after I bring her back, you must not hurt her in any form.” ”

In fact, the monkey elder is very fond of his granddaughter, usually she is too late, how can she do too much.

Hearing this, he quickly nodded his head and agreed.

If it weren’t for the complete solution, he wouldn’t have been so desperate.

Bi Hao sighed and said, “Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to say this first, let’s wait until I destroy the Minotaur King.” ”

Bi Hao was actually very helpless in his heart now, the system had awakened, and now he could provide him with the most powerful help, but Bi Hao looked at the monkey elder’s face, and he didn’t want to help him.

Because he didn’t know that once he destroyed the Minotaur King, the entire monkey clan would have no shackles, and the character of this monkey elder was not enough to take on the great responsibility of guarding the entire monkey group.

He immediately wondered if he should choose a better monkey clan to take over, but after thinking about it, he found that in this monkey clan, except for the monkey elder, he did not know other monkeys, not to mention that it was obvious that the monkey clan was based on age cultivation to compare the status of the generations, and this monkey clan elder was already the eldest in the generations.

If he forcibly let other monkeys take over, the status of this monkey clan elder would probably cause chaos in the entire monkey clan.

He could only helplessly take that breath and he didn’t even know where to help Xiao Mumu, the current situation was really too chaotic.

At this time, the conversation between Hongyun Xingguan and Xiao Mumu quietly reached his ears, and he knew that the system was helping him, so he pricked up his ears and began to listen carefully.

I only heard Hongyun Xingguan’s tone say in a rather obscene tone, “Little Beauty, after you follow me to the Heavenly Palace, I guarantee that your delicious and spicy Jade Emperor will never treat you badly.” ”

I heard Xiao Mumu say in a very simple tone, “Eat delicious and drink spicy, but I only like to eat peaches and drink mountain spring water, and I don’t like to eat spicy things that are not delicious!” ”

This sentence almost didn’t make Bi Hao laugh out of the internal injury, he didn’t expect that Xiao Mumu was really too simple, really simple and cute, such a simple little girl, how could he bear to send her to the Heavenly Emperor to let him poison it.

At that moment, Bi Hao was firm in his mind that he must rescue Xiao Mumu, and killing the Minotaur King was the first step, I heard that the personal relationship between this Hongyun Xingguan and the Minotaur King was very good, after he killed the Minotaur King, presumably his eyes would be more on the Minotaur’s body, and it would not be difficult for him to leave with Xiao Mumu when the time came?

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