What’s more, now that the monkey above the Heavenly Court was making a lot of trouble, it was uncomfortable for him to say these things now.

The reason why he went down to the mortal was also to help the Jade Emperor Chong Chong Xi.

One day in heaven, ten years on earth, the days when this Bow Ma Wen was making a fuss in heaven, seventy years passed in this instant.

However, although the immortal’s life expectancy is very long, it is not endless, the heavens and the five declines, his rainbow cloud star officer looks young, in fact, he also has a life expectancy of more than 10,000 years.

Xiao Mumu pulled him aside at this time and said with a bright smile, “Since you are so powerful, can you teach me some ways to practice?” Grandpa never taught me to practice, he told me that those things are not suitable for my kind of girl’s family to learn, but I want to learn, can you teach me? ”

Looking at Xiao Mumu’s sincere eyes, Hongyun Xingguan’s heart was soft for no reason, and he nodded and said, “I will naturally teach you, and when you marry into the Heavenly Court, if you can have time to come to me, I will teach you.” ”

“By the way, you said to marry into the heavenly court, who am I going to marry?” Xiao Mumu looked at him and said.

Hongyun Xingguan hesitated for a moment and said, “Marry the Jade Emperor.” He was also a bad old man, he didn’t say this sentence, if he let the Jade Emperor know that he was so slanderous behind his back, he would definitely be severely punished

Xiao Mumu didn’t speak again.

She didn’t have much idea about marrying someone, marrying Bi Hao was marrying someone, marrying the Jade Emperor was also marrying someone, what was the feeling?

Seeing Xiao Mumu’s indifferent face, the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer thought she was unhappy, and hurriedly coaxed her, “If you don’t like it, I can take you away now.” ”

Xiao Mumu said with some confusion, “Why should I escape?” I think it’s very funny, I heard that there are peach orchards above the heavenly garden, and I like to eat peaches the most. ”

Hearing this sentence, Hongyun Xingguan silently smiled bitterly, originally this sentence was just a lie he told in order to attract Xiao Mumu, that peach orchard is indeed good and not false, but that peach orchard is the Queen Mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s, originally the queen mother’s personality is extremely fierce, the Jade Emperor married his relatives this time, but also for the sake of Chongxi, so he reluctantly agreed, sure that Xiao Mumu will suffer a lot of hardships in the future, and Xiao Mumu even wants to go to her peach orchard, the queen mother will definitely not agree.

At that moment, the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer was a little worried about Xiao Mumu’s future days.

Although Xiao Mumu has a cute personality, it is not good to be too simple.

So the Hongyun Star Officer hurriedly explained the precautions above the Heavenly Palace to Xiao Mumu, and the dialogue between Bi Hao and the monkey elder on the other side had just begun.

The monkey elder’s face was very red, but this was also because the monkey’s face was all red, and he couldn’t tell whether it was blushing or what, but there was great longing in the eyes of the monkey elder looking at the skin in Bi Hao’s hand.

Bi Hao saw that the monkey elder was staring at his skin, so he smiled, shook the skin on his hand and said, “You want? ”

The monkey elder nodded busily and said, “I want, this Minotaur King has killed so many of my people, and I now want to sacrifice his skin to the souls of my people.” ”

This statement was extremely bold, but it was quite ironic to Bi Hao.

He couldn’t help but pluck out his ears and say, “Did I hear you right?” ”

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