At this time, Xiao Mumu and Hongyun Xingguan were chatting vigorously, and Hongyun Xingguan looked at Xiaomumu and smiled and said, “I don’t know if you will be deceived into selling after you are so simple.” ”

Xiao Mumu rolled his eyes and said, “I know that the Terrans have monkey dealers who often come to catch us monkeys and sell them, it is said that it is because our monkeys can bring them freshness, but isn’t this too unafraid of life?”

What’s so bad about not fearing life? For human beings, other life is their food, the bottom of the food chain, and for human beings, everything is edible.

If this is the case, why do they need to fear life, and the reason why they want to fear life is only to maintain an ecological balance.

And those so-called vegetarians say aggressively on their mouths, in fact, how many disgusting deeds have been done in the mainland, and who knows?

So Hongyun Xingguan smiled slightly and said, “You are still too simple to understand the dangers of this world.” ”

Xiao Mumu said with some discouragement, “I know that my mind is relatively simple, and I think less of it, but I don’t think I am as stupid as you say, if I were so stupid, I would have been cheated and sold long ago.” ”

Her tone became excited again, “I have deceived a lot of monkey dealers before, and they originally wanted to arrest me, but they were all turned around by me.” ”

Speaking of this, she began to giggle, that delicate appearance made the Hongyun Star Officer look at it with pity, and he now regretted more and more why he had told the Heavenly Court about the existence of Xiao Mumu.

How good it would be if he quietly left Xiao Mumu this beautiful by his side, but at this moment Mu had become a boat, and he regretted that it was too late, and it seemed that he could only find an opportunity to take her away in the future.

It’s just that the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer didn’t know that his thoughts coincided with Bi Hao at this moment.

At this time, Bi Hao was teaching Elder Monkey some internal skills for cultivation, as well as inquiring about some situations from the side, but Elder Monkey knew everything and said everything, and seemed to have been quite satisfied with Bi Hao.

After teaching the Monkey Elder the last trick of internal skill, Bi Hao looked at the Monkey Elder’s vigorous momentum with satisfaction, smiled and said, “It seems that you have fully integrated these, but you only lacked an opportunity before, if Qi Tian Dasheng is there, let him teach you, I believe you should progress faster, but unfortunately now I can only do it for him.” ”

The monkey elder was taught well, where did he dare to pick and choose, and immediately said respectfully, “Thanks to you, I can make such great progress, I am very grateful to you, I am so grateful.” ”

Now I also understand that eating is the savior sent to him by the Lord, otherwise I would still be stuck in this realm for a long time, and this adult also helped him eliminate the Minotaur King, who was in the heart of the monkey clan, which was simply very grateful.

Bi Hao saw that the excitement in the eyes of the monkey elder was not pretended, so he smiled slightly and said, “Just raise your hand, look at the face of Xiao Mumu I can help you more, but the future road depends on you to walk, the future monkey clan can not be so low three or four, and steal life, rather stand and die, rather than kneel and live!” ”

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