Bi Hao looked at the monkey elder and smiled, “Well, I won’t tell you that, now I’m leaving.” ”

With that, Bi Hao pulled out his leg and left.

Having already delayed so much time, Bi Hao now only wanted to drag Xiao Mumu and the two of them to the Heavenly Court to see the scenery.

Xiao Mumu and the Hongyun Xingguan were chatting vigorously at this time, and when they saw Bi Hao coming, their eyes did not blink.

Bi Hao didn’t know why, there was a sudden trace of anger in his heart, he frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Mumu and said, “What are you doing?” ”

Xiao Mumu looked at him and said with a smile, “I am chatting with this Rainbow Cloud Star Officer, you don’t know that the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer is very knowledgeable, what he says is so interesting. ”

The Rainbow Cloud Star Officer couldn’t help but smile and said, “As long as you like it.” ”

If it weren’t for Bi Hao seeing the Hongyun Star Officer looking at Xiao Mumu in his eyes, there would be a look of strange light flashing from time to time, maybe Bi Hao would really think that the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer was a good person.

But now Bi Hao absolutely did not believe that the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer was a good person, because he always felt that there were more thoughts hidden under the normal skin of the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer.

At that moment, he slightly rubbed his eyebrows and moved silently to Xiao Mumu’s side and then pulled Xiao Mumu to his side, Xiao Mumu was suddenly pulled by Bi Hao, making him a little overwhelmed, she looked at Bi blankly, that pair of deer-like big eyes, very simple as asking why.

Bi Hao could only cough and say, “I feel a little cold, borrow you to lean on.” ”

So the simple little Mumu thought that this was really the case, and very well-behaved let Bi Hao pull her along, because she also thought that Bi Hao was really cold.

Such a lame reason naturally could not deceive the Hongyun Star Officer, but at this moment, the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer could only hum coldly in his heart, now it seems that the human girl is with a monkey, he can’t say that Xiao Mumu has anything to do with this monkey, it is too much to erase the reputation of the young girl.

The good villain had already changed into the form of a human maiden, so he had to treat Xiao Mumu in the same way as a human maiden, which was what the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer had in mind.

At this time, the innocent little Mumu also reacted, Bi Hao was just teasing her, so she looked at Bi Hao with some irritation and said, “You are really annoying, how can you bully me?”

Bi Hao was a little helpless to think that he was helping you, how he was still blaming me for bullying you, but on his mouth he said very innocently, “I have bullied you, it is really a little cold.” ”

As a result, Xiao Mumu looked at his hand and said, “Your hands are sweating.” ”

Well, two people holding hands does have some heat and it’s not surprising that they are sweating.

What’s more, it was easier to sweat now that the claws of his hands were full of hair, so Bi Hao could only silently pull back his monkey paws.

The Hongyun Xingguan looked at him darkly, and Xiao Mumu’s behavior in this way undoubtedly greatly pleased him, so he immediately coughed and said, “Well, you two don’t make any more trouble, after I take you two to the heavenly court, you must abide by the rules and obediently abide by the rules, don’t do things that don’t belong to you, you know?” ”

This sentence is more used to warn Bi Hao.

The Rainbow Cloud Star Officer could also see that Bi Hao was a restless lord.

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