Chapter 452 Think twice

Hearing this, Bi Hao wanted to laugh very much.

He Bi Hao needs to think so much when to do things, there is not much concern, what he wants to do is what he wants to do is his Bi Hao’s life standard.

But now this Rainbow Cloud Star Officer is right, he still needs to worry about it.

At that moment, Bi Hao just sneered and said, “Well, I understand.” ”

Although he understood, it did not mean that he would definitely seek perfection, Bi Hao was distracted at this time, and he did not care about anything, so he followed Xiao Mumu and Hongyun Xingguan and walked forward.

The layout of the South Heavenly Gate is very beautiful, and the crystal-like pillars on the way perfectly outline the appearance of the three people.

Now that Bi Hao was still in the form of a monkey, Bi Hao couldn’t help but get a little angry, when would he be able to restore his handsome and dashing demeanor as a human.

There must be a lot of beautiful little fairies above the heavenly court, even if you can’t kiss Fangze, it is a good thing to seduce a little tease.

He was thinking like this, but Xiao Mu’s gaze suddenly came over, looked at him and said with a smile, “I don’t know if there is a kind of elixir in the heavenly court that allows monkeys to eat a panacea that can become a human, and when the time comes for you to eat a little, you can also become a human, I guess you must be very handsome after you become a human.” ”

Xiao Mu was still thinking about him Bi Hao’s heart couldn’t help but warm up, he smiled and said, “After I become a human, I will definitely be very handsome.” ”

At this time, the Rainbow Cloud Star Officer snorted disdainfully and said, “Slippery tongue.” ”

How can a broken monkey exude male charm all the time?

This made him very confused.

Bi Hao rolled his eyes at him and said, “If only I had a slippery tongue, those little fairies who laugh every day are mine.” ”

Xiao Mumu’s face was not good when she heard this, and she said, “No, those little fairies in the heavenly court, you are not allowed to bully them.” ”

Bi Hao looked at Xiao Mumu for a long time, not knowing why Xiao Mumu said this, but at that moment he also smiled slightly and said obediently, “Well, then I will not harm them, I will only guard you in the future.” ”

I don’t know what special meaning this sentence has for Xiao Mu, Xiao Mu Mu suddenly blushed when he heard it.

Hongyun Xingguan looked at the side with itchy teeth, not knowing why Xiao Mumu suddenly said such an out-of-line word, immediately he coughed and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s hurry up, it is not good to delay the auspicious time.” ”

Bi Hao looked at him and couldn’t help but roll his eyes, this person wanted to prevent himself and Xiao Mumu from improving their relationship between brother and sister.

Xiao Mumu just felt that this monkey had to follow him, otherwise his life would be too meaningless.

The monkey usually looked inconspicuous and she and she had only known each other for a day.

But there has been a lot of experience between the two people.

From the time she became a human girl, this monkey did not abandon it, and she knew that the monkey in front of her must have a very good heart.

Although she was just a female monkey who did not go through the world, and then the crow turned into a phoenix and became a beautiful human girl, in the final analysis, the innocence of the monkey in her heart has never been less.

At this time, Bi Hao only gently touched her head to show comfort.

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