Chapter 461 Nine Shadow Hell King

This other body is the strongest of the world’s planes, named the Nine Hell King.

Although the name is terrible, he is not a sinful man, on the contrary, the absolute being who rules evil! Even if he came from the most vicious and terrifying Nine Shadows Depths!

But now, Bi Hao read his memory, and those eyes became a little dark.

These Nine Hell Kings were really pitiful, they were killed by Emperor Yan, and although their bodies were still his, the person who woke up had already become Bi Hao.

It’s just that now that Bi Hao occupies this body, he must avenge the owner of the body.

Emperor Yan did not expect that the Nine Shadow Prison King would be resurrected, and in order to kill the Nine Shadow Prison King, the Gou Party privately organized other Heavenly Emperors to kill him, and there was also a behind-the-scenes promoter, the Heavenly God Emperor, who coveted his position and colluded with his subordinates to make him indifferent.

The young man’s face became deeper and colder, and there was an inexplicable and monstrous anger in his body.

Bi Hao had to be angry, because after reading the memory, he felt more and more admiration for the original owner of his body.

Jin Taixuan, the Lord of the Nine Shadows Prison, was a being that even the Heavenly Emperor did not dare to offend, suppressing and stifling countless arrogant and crazy people in the Three Voids and Nine Realms, and none of the beings dared to act arbitrarily in front of him.

However, he also offended almost all the people as a result, and many of the twelve ghost emperors under his seat had their heirs killed and suppressed by him!

But he never misjudged anyone!

Otherwise, how could he be worshipped as the most noble being by the Three Voids and Six Realms and Billions of Lives?

Emperor Yan, the strongest Heavenly Emperor in the Polar Yang Divine Realm, was also one of the most magnificent figures in the Polar Yang Divine Realm, and since he dominated the Polar Yang Divine Realm, he had never cursed the party and acted upright and ruled fairly.

However, no one had ever imagined that he would allow his heirs to slaughter other time and space beings, and use extremely bloody and cruel means to refine the entire time and space to sacrifice hundreds of millions of beings for their own personal gain.

His punishment: creating impermanence and evil in the world, committing the first two of the great sins of all worlds! Curse now!

The Heavenless God Emperor, the most poisonous Heavenly Emperor in the Extreme Yin Divine Realm, had no entanglements, but he was trying to take the position of the Lord of the Nine Shadows, and he wanted to use bloody means to inflict evil on all worlds, and his sins could not be forgiven!

One of the Twelve Ghost Emperors, the white-haired Ghost Emperor, Jin Taixuan’s most trusted subordinate, was not weaker than the existence of any Heavenly Emperor, but betrayed him and betrayed the belief that he had originally ruled Jiuyou.

“Didn’t you get enough?” Am I acting in accordance with the principles of the worlds, and have you all been dissatisfied? ”

“Or do you think that if I become angry, I will not be more terrible than the destruction of all worlds?”

“You must be alive and well, but don’t die before I come back.”

All this was the roar of the Nine Ghosts Prison King in his heart.

Bi Hao could feel that although this body had been occupied by him, the anger in the heart of the Nine Hell King was still affecting him.

The anger in Bi Hao’s eyes gradually calmed down, and in the end only endless depth and indifference remained.

At this time, the sound of the system suddenly sounded, and it should be known that the system should also come out to speak.

Bring him to this world, and his previous body should still be in that cultivation world, and now the system is afraid that there is something difficult to say, so it will suddenly bring him to this world, after all, in that world, Bi Hao’s things have not been done.

“Host, you only have one mission in this world, which is to help the Nine Shadow Hell King avenge and find his beloved, and when you complete these tasks, we can return to the cultivation world, and now I don’t know why such a sudden change occurs, but for now it is better to be in an emergency.”

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