Chapter 463 Protector

“City Lord, it’s not like that, the young master was deliberately pushed off the cliff by Miss Cai to be like this!” The young master is dead and still wants to humiliate the young master, they are not people! ”

“Shut up!”

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

The voices of the people outside the door suddenly stopped, and when they looked to this side, they were stunned.

Bi Hao stepped out of the door, and his indifferent eyes scanned the bodies of the people who spoke.

The expressionless middle-aged man Bi Cheng’s lord Bi Baiyin.

Surprise fifteen-year-old personal maid Xiaoqing.

Frightened Ling Yun Sect female disciple Cai Caiyun.

As well as the cold Ling Yun Sect male disciples.

The relationship between the characters instantly passed through Bi Hao’s mind.

When several people saw that he was completely speechless, Bi Hao waved at the maid Xiaoqing, “Follow me.” ”

Xiao Qing nodded quickly and quickly walked to Bi Hao’s side.

“Stop! Who let you go! ”

The male disciple tried in vain to stop Bi Hao, but was stopped by Bi Baiyin’s outstretched hand.

“Since my son is not dead, he will not be expelled from the division, so go back.”

Bi Baiyin said lightly.

The male disciple still wanted to argue, but was pulled by Cai Caiyun, who was frightened and uncertain, and whispered, “Let’s go first.” ”

Cai Caiyun’s frightened look made the male disciple frown with displeasure, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

And in the case of not being able to see through Jinbi Yinxiu’s cultivation, the male disciple had no choice but to give up and said, “Since this is the case, then I will make a decision after I return to the Sect Gate to report to the elders.” ”

“There is no need for this, I voluntarily quit the Ling Yun Sect.”

As he was about to leave, Bi Hao took out a wooden plaque from his robe and threw it to Cai Caiyun, smiled lightly at it, and left the place with Xiao Qing.

Although he was smiling, the cold sweat on Cai Caiyun’s body instantly emerged from his back, cold and wet all over his body, and he was smashed on the body by the Zongmen token.

In Bi Hao’s eyes, she seemed to see thousands of white bones, struggling to climb out!

“Do you think you want to retreat, wait for me!” The male disciple’s eyes were infinitely fierce, and he stepped on the broken wooden card with one foot, pulling Cai Caiyun around without saying a word.

After several people had left, Bi Baiyin frowned lightly and walked in the direction where Bi Hao had left.

Xiao Qing followed Bi Hao step by step, watching Bi Hao’s back and smirking, not wanting to eat Ah suddenly stopped, almost bumping into him.


Xiao Qing stumbled to the ground, and then climbed up embarrassed, not expecting to be in Jin Taixuan’s room, and did not dare to look up at him.

“Go help me find some healing elixir and pick up a bucket of hot water.” Bi Hao said.

“Okay, I’ll get the doctor too!” Xiao Qing nodded, ready to do it immediately.

“The doctor doesn’t need to.” Bi Hao shook his head and sat down on a stool next to him, closing his eyes and pranayama.

When Xiao Qing walked for a while, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Bi Baiyin looked at Bi Hao, who was indifferent, snorted coldly, and said, “Since you have all stood up, don’t pretend to be dead for me, something that doesn’t become a tool!” ”

Bi Hao’s eyelids lifted, and he opened his eyes to look at Bi Yinyin without speaking.

“If you had listened to my words and not followed this Cai family woman to Ling Yun Sect, how could you have ended up so miserable now?” The meridians are broken and passed out for several days, and one person is wasted! When the injury is healed, take some silver and leave here, I should not have your son. ”

Looking at Bi Baiyin’s angry look, Bi Hao smiled and said nothing, and when he finished, he said indifferently: “I will take Xiao Qing away.” ”

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