Chapter 466 The Cai Family

The Cai family is one of them.

In order to let the qualified Miss Cai Caiyun enter the Lingyun Sect, the Cai family put in a lot of work, and finally relied on the qualified “Bi Hao” to be reluctantly selected into the Lingyun Sect.

But even so, it also made the young people of the Cai family feel extremely glorious, believing that the Cai family had a huge patron and did whatever they wanted in the city.

It was noon, and there was a small restaurant full of seats.

“Young master, did you say that the old master really couldn’t bear to deny you this son?” Xiao Qing still couldn’t understand that Bi Hao was already so miserable, but his father was still worse.

Bi Hao put down his chopsticks and patiently explained, “No, although he does have the anger of hating iron and steel in his heart, but it is more of a pressure, if I stay in the palace, it is not easy to explain to Ling Yun Sect.” ”

Xiao Qing’s eyes lit up and he said happily, “Young master, are you saying that Old Master doesn’t really want us?” ”

Nodding, Bi Hao patted Xiao Qing’s tender hand and said softly, “There are many people here, it is not advisable to say more, let’s eat.” ”

Bi Hao knew better in his heart that Bi Baiyin hoped that through this major change, he would truly grow, which could be described as well-intentioned.

Perhaps, this is the so-called father’s strict love.

But this kind of love, compared to Bi Xiuzhen, made him unable to accept it.

But he was no longer him, Bi Hao smiled and continued to move his chopsticks.

Letting go of the burden in her heart, the relaxed Xiaoqing also showed a smile, humming the song while eating, very lively and cute.

But the improper appearance made Bi Hao reprimand a few words, so that she had to spit out her tongue and admit her mistake.

A private room in the restaurant.

“You mean you saw Bi Hao?” That lost dog? Cai Caiwen seemed to have heard the great joy and grinned.

The monkey’s already unsightly appearance has such an expression, even if it is the wine girl in his arms, he can’t help but get up slightly to leave a gap.

Don’t want Cai Cai Wenxi to start from the heart, his left hand is tight again, tilting his head and kissing the wine girl with heavy makeup.

The latter almost couldn’t resist spitting out the wine that had just been swallowed into his stomach for a long time.

“Yes boss!” The little lowered his eyebrows and smiled in agreement.

Cai Caiwen took out a fine piece of silver from his arms and threw it over.

“Reward you with a big one!”

“Thank you boss!”

Cai Caiwen pulled the wine girl, squeezed a handful of fat meat on his chest, and said: “Baby go, fight with the grandfather to fall into the water dog!” ”

The barmaid only wanted to stay away from him, and even if she would follow, she shook her head in a hurry.

“Don’t know how to lift, let’s go!”

Cai Caiwen slapped the wine girl with a slap, and then walked out with the little.

Following the guidance of the little bastard, Cai Caiwen easily found the table where Bi Hao was located when he came out of the box.

Bi Hao, who had just swallowed a mouthful of green vegetables, paused, and with the feeling of being condensed by several eyes, he suddenly saw the person coming.

He said out loud, “Xiao Qing, come to my side.” ”

Xiao Qing let out an inexplicable “Oh”, but still obediently put down his chopsticks and stood next to Bi Hao.

Cai Caiwen only then walked over.

“Isn’t this my aunt?” My brother-in-law? How to eat here, blame the little brother, I forgot to tell you, this is my property, or give you a free order? Right? ”

Before Cai Caiwen could get closer, he opened his mouth and said in a strange way, and a disgusting garlic taste came from his mouth.

The little bastard put the fan off his body and said while fanning it, “Yeah, yeah! ”

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