The corners of his mouth smiled proudly.

“Don’t get carried away. When the time comes, you will leak the secret. Don’t blame me for not being polite. The protagonist raised an eyebrow and said solemnly.

“Rest assured, sir, we will be careful.” Tooth said happily.

The protagonist wants to do what they want to do in their hearts, but at first they have ideas, but there is no actual action. Now lead roles, as a leader, to help them do that. Naturally, they are happy with this, but not satisfied. They are more than willing to do it without complaint.

“Okay, you go back now, and I’ll put the Meru Space on the other side of the mine later.” After the protagonist ordered food, the third-class lady quickly left.

The protagonist leaves the hall and comes outside the hall. He glanced at the gray light.

“Go, follow me to Wu Shenxian’s side, and I’ll show you how Wu Shenxian was subdued.”

The protagonist smiled and quickly walked towards where Wu Shenxian was.

Soon, the protagonist came to the outside of the Xianwu Palace.

Outside stood two Immortal Cultivators, guards.

The protagonist looks at these two people and walks directly inside without a word.

Wu Shenxian was now basking in the sun outside the courtyard. After these days of cultivation, his physical damage is much better than before.

But the mouth still faintly hurts.

He remembered the other day, he was very unhappy, he felt that he was played by the protagonist.

The protagonist has been using himself.

Whoever knew he had been taken advantage of, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be happy.

Wu Shenxian took a cup of ginseng tea from his maid and was preparing to taste it.

Suddenly, two screams came from the gate.

He looked up and vaguely saw the two guards being held by their arms and thrown to the ground.

Wu Shenxian frowned, immediately stood up, did not drink the ginseng tea in his hand, handed it to the maid on the side, and immediately walked outside.

He just stopped before taking two steps.

The man who had been injured outside had come to him.

Protagonist, are you cruel to do this? Wu Shenxian’s current guest is the protagonist. He was very angry.

The protagonist looks at Wu Shenxian without any waste.

One of his hands immediately turned into a claw and grabbed Wu Shenxian directly

Wu Shenxian was injured and subconsciously tried to resist.

But he rebelled against the past, and the main target was not his at all, but his neck.

Wu Shenxian felt suffocated, and his face turned red.

With a thud, his body slammed into a large stone pillar. The protagonist pinched his neck and lifted his body, looking like a scholar who did not have his hands tied to him.

The protagonist comes here without wasting time, doing things very simply, much faster than before.

“You…” Wu Xian’s popularity was speechless.

A smile flashed in the protagonist’s eyes. With a cold hum, a red pill emerged from the palm of his hand. When Wu Shenxian opened his mouth, the pill was hit by the protagonist and entered his throat.

Wu Shenxian’s tears flowed out.


“Why? Why did you break through again? Wu Shenxian wanted to cry and watched the protagonist turn into a three-tier fairy. He was in great pain.

Like a dead parent, she looked sad and ugly.

The protagonist’s surprise attack just now caught him off guard. He was thinking of rebellion. However, when he resisted, the power in his hands was very strong.

The hero’s head held his neck, making him unable to resist and almost dying.

The old man on the side watched the protagonist’s movements in a gray way, and his face changed slightly.

Previously, he had heard that the protagonist was very powerful, but he had not seen it. He had always been skeptical.

Now it seems that the rumors are indeed true.

This time, the protagonist asks him to come over and also deliberately lets Gray Line see.

The rest of the maids and the other fairies were surprised and dropped their cups to the ground.

Break the porcelain cups, add their surprised sounds, like a piece of music.

“Breaking through is normal for me. You’re still funny. Now I’m not worried about what I’m giving you to eat, but curious about my accomplishments. The protagonist smiled happily, and the supreme leader drove away Wu Yongsheng.

The protagonist’s hand is full of power. The immortal Wu was thrown to the ground. Smoke billowed from the ground and cracks appeared on the floor.

Wu Shenxian struggled to get up from the ground, his hands on the ground, and stood up, his expression grim.

He waved his fist at the protagonist.

His fist emitted a strong glow, and the powerful immortal power directly turned into one.

This one’s arms and head are thick. When it was hit, a gust of wind blew into the air, sending out a scream.

The protagonist’s eyes narrowed, and he was suddenly punched out.

His fist emitted an icy golden light, but it was Peng Kun’s virtual shadow.

Kunpeng opened his huge sharp mouth and directly grabbed the shadow of the immortal Wu.

A huge devouring force emerged from Kunpeng’s open mouth, and the virtual shadow that was tearing became very weak after swinging a few times.

Not only that, the protagonist throws a knife with his other hand.

The sword struck the immortal Wu family and turned into lightning. With a thud, Wu Shenxian’s head was blasted into smoke.

Even the blackheads stood up like brooms.

The face was black, as if it had just come out of an underground pot underground, dirty. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and share!

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