The hero poured a cup of blood and then poured it over the corpse.

In an instant, layers of flames appeared in the body.

The protagonist sings Buddhist sutras in his mouth, floating with gold, emitting endless golden brilliance.

Three days and three nights, never stopping.

For three days and three nights, on the plains, the Buddha’s light shone all the time.

The blood of the earth has dried up.

As for those, they were all stationed in makeshift tents.

Sometimes, they would come out from the side of the tent and talk about the protagonist watching the Buddha’s light.

There was a hint of reverence in their eyes.

They all knew what the new Duke was doing.

The soldiers who died were their brothers of the past. Maybe a few days ago a few people were just drinking good wine, eating good meat, bragging, and talking about the most tasteful women in the alley.

But on the battlefield, the sword meets the enemy, and life disappears into the world in an instant.

They are all people who crawl out of the line of life and death, and everything is in their hearts.

The protagonist says that after both the human monks and the demonic races are degrees, their souls are entering the reincarnation channel.

The protagonist stood up and walked towards the tent.

He was a little tired, and although these days he was constantly refining his soul and improving his spiritual cultivation, his body was still very tired.

After all, the consumption is too large, and the power swallowed by ghost magic cannot be quickly compensated.

After arriving at the military tent, the protagonist said a word and lay down.

Another three days and three nights passed. The protagonist was made in the tent early in the four days.

With this awakening, he was refreshed and swept away the exhaustion of the previous days.

The protagonist is now surrounded by several women, all of whom are the dearest people around him.

Their eyes were full of worry.

In the face of the pity of several women, the protagonist feels a warm current in his heart.

At this point, Marilyn slipped out of the military account.

The protagonist is not there.

“It’s all right. I’m refreshed now. Don’t worry. The protagonist laughed.

Standing next to him were naturally his own women, including the young.

In addition to Xiao, Yu Linglong, Mu Wan. Xiaohong and Wu Shangxiang, these four people are their own women.

For small feelings, the protagonist is not a fool, a little touched, can also know a little.

But he did not dare to touch what was hidden in his heart.

Because he still can’t overcome the throbbing in his heart.

But for their concern, the protagonist is very pleased.

It’s so sweet to feel like someone in the world cares about you.

“Lord, you are awake.” Dressed in purple clothes and wearing a sword around her waist, the third lady of the clam came from the side, looking excited and very happy.

Others, such as Jin Ao, Wang Sidao, Li Fengchun, Du Jiaxue, Jin Xinger, Bai Mei Niang, Lao Shen Stick, etc. All these generals came.

They see the protagonist appear with the same expression, excited or happy.

“Congratulations on the Marshal’s recovery. The armed forces were waiting for the marshal’s orders. “With the overseer of the old god stick came forward.

Here, his military position is dominant. The so-called overseer is the overseer of the armed forces. Apart from the marshal, his power was greatest.

When the old god stick is finished, the other generals all clench their fists in unison to welcome the protagonist.

As for the heroine’s woman, they also walked quickly from the heroine to the bottom of the large military tent and stood with the other generals.

When the protagonist hears the bold and powerful words of the old magic wand, his emotions suddenly rise.

In addition, seeing other people looking at themselves with a pair of full eyes, this emotion is ignited to the peak.

This group may have some doubts about the previous protagonist.

Although the protagonist became famous in Shuluo City during World War I, he led a large army to find the rebel Sima family and repelled a group of wolf cavalry that crossed and attacked Shuluo City.

But these main forces remained the Yugoslav Kyoto Army and the family of Dugusu. This group of people helps the protagonist gain a foothold in the city of Shura.

However, these things do not make the group of soldiers have a fanatical worship of the protagonist, nor do they make them infinitely obedient to the protagonist.

From the protagonist Shuai Jun to Sumire, their attitude towards the protagonist has changed.

When the protagonist’s army attacked the Far Wind City with three branches, directly defeated the Far Wind City Demon Army, and killed the Duke of the Far Wind City Lü Fengchang (), their attitude towards the protagonist became even greater.

In recent days, the protagonist has led a huge team of his own, and set up a minefield for tens of millions, such as Ben Sanniang of the Heavenly Palace, which belongs to the most loyal of his protagonists. They ambushed the enemy, attacked head-on and killed them, causing the other side a lot of trouble.

Even in the plains here, nearly 10,000 people came to the scene to kill each other and eventually defeat the enemy. This makes their trust in the protagonist extreme.

The protagonist’s performance makes them aware of the presence of a god of war and a marshal, whose tactics and intelligence reach their peak.

In front of the mountain of corpses, the protagonist spends three days and three nights without food and drink to help the soldiers. Even the demon warriors, the protagonist is treated equally.

This made them realize that the protagonist was a kind marshal.

The so-called benevolence is invincible, while the so-called Machiavellian strategy and wisdom are close to the devil. Together, the two eventually help the protagonist establish an irreplaceable image in his heart. _

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