"Long Wu is right, no matter how terrifying Marshal Chen's strength is, he is a person from my Xia Kingdom after all. "

"In the battle against the abyss, he made great contributions and directly killed the three major traitorous families, which played an important deterrent. "

"So everyone should be happy!"

He Yishan's face was serious and said slowly.

"Well, on the spot, Long Wu proposed to Chen Han to be the fourth marshal, I still hesitated, thinking it was too early-. "

"But I never expected that it was this step that brought such a strong person to my Xia Kingdom. Hong Hu also spoke.

But at this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and Long Wu's personal guards, with a frightened face, came running and whispered a few words in his ear.

But it was these few sentences that made Long Wu's expression change greatly, followed by ecstasy.

"Are you sure?" asked Long Wu, his eyes widening in surprise.

"True, Marshal!"

"Okay, you go down first!" After confirming the news, Long Wu waved his hand and asked the guards to get down.

"What's wrong?

"yes, what's going on, Marshal Longwu?"

Long Wu's performance made everyone present tremble slightly, and their hearts were full of curiosity.

"Hehe, don't panic, it's a good thing, it's a great thing!" Seeing everyone's expressions, Long Wu smiled and said calmly.

"The news just came that Marshal Chen, after settling the Qin, Bai, and Li families, rushed to the remaining three traitorous families one after another, and killed them all in less than half a minute. "

"At this point, the rebellious six families in my Xia Kingdom have all been ambushed. "

Long Wu looked solemn and said slowly.

And the content of the words shocked everyone again, making their cognition and three views completely subverted.

Who would dare to imagine that Chen Han's move would kill six Nine Heavenly powerhouses in a row.

This is simply unprecedented, and even more unheard of.

It was the first time that the Xia Kingdom had fallen so many of the strongest people on the same day since it was established for so many years.

And it's all one person, one move, and it's a direct kill.

"The appearance of Marshal Chen will completely affect the situation of this battle. A god general below couldn't help but say in a deep voice.

"But this should be a headache for the Abyss!" the other god nodded.

"Well, that's right!"

At this moment, Long Wu and the other three marshals felt something in their hearts and looked towards the door of the conference room.

Then the next moment, Chen Han strode in.

"Marshal Chen!"

"Marshal Chen is back!"

"Participate in Marshal Chen!"

"Welcome to the triumphant return of Marshal Chen!"


The moment Chen Han entered the conference room, almost everyone stood up with a look of awe on their faces and welcomed Chen Han back.

This made Chen Han stunned for a moment, and he was stunned by this big battle.

What the heck?

Why don't you just kill a few traitorous families!

Do you need to be so happy? It's like the country has already won!

Chen Han was a little speechless, but with the smiling faces of the three of Long Wu, Chen Han had no choice but to nod slightly, and said with a smile: "Well, after solving the matter, I will come back immediately!"

"Sit, get seated!"

After Chen Han took the throne, Long Wu said solemnly: "Since Marshal Chen is back, then let's discuss it, and then counterattack the abyss!"

"Well, with Marshal Chen here, we can't delay, we must use the momentum of thunder to see that the abyss is completely eradicated, and there will be no future troubles. "



An operation to fight back against the abyss was quickly launched after Chen Han's arrival.

It seems that Chen Han is already the backbone, and everyone is faintly leaning closer to him to fight for his opinion.

But at the same time, in the dark hall of the abyss, the six strongest ones also gathered again.

However, unlike the last time when I was full of confidence, the atmosphere this time was extremely dignified.

There was anger, grievance, horror, and disbelief.

Obviously, everything Chen Han did, they also got the news.

"This Chen Han, where is it sacred?" The one who broke the silence was the Lord of the Taiyi Palace.

0·Ask for flowers·····

But no one answered his question for a while, and it wasn't until half a ring later that the Star Domain Hall Lord said slowly: "I came into contact with this person, and it was still an air crash incident in the hidden city. "

"This man tried to stop my arrangement, and I talked to him once, but in the end we broke up. "

"My death game, too, is a bit of a conflict with him. "

But the specific identity of this person is very strange. "

"It seems that there is no discrepancy between the expression data and the official record. "

"But everyone understands that this person has only been in a few days since he has risen. "

"This is simply incredible!" said the Hall Lord of Kanyuan on the right.

"His identity is just a small thing, the key is strength. "


"Kill the Nine Heavens powerhouse in seconds, which of you can do it?" said the Bone Emperor below, lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent, which made the pressure in the hall even more solemn.

Half a minute later, the Taiyi Hall Lord slowly asked, "Then what should I do, give up the attack on the country?"

"It's not enough to give up, but we must figure out what level Chen Han's strength has reached. "

"As we all know, the strongest person in the world is only the Nine Heavens. "

"No one can reach a higher level. "

"But is that really the case?"

"It's not without purpose that we in the abyss cooperate with ghosts. "

"The strongest of the ghosts is not the Nine Heavens, but a realm called immortality. "

"Although I have never seen this realm, the last time I talked with him, I deeply felt the strength of the other party. "

"That kind of power that can be crushed with a wave of your hand. "

The cooperation with ghosts has always been carried out by the master of Taiyi Palace.

It wasn't until this moment that I learned that among the ghosts, there was such a powerful existence.

This couldn't help but make the other people look shocked, and hurriedly said: "Such a powerful ghost thing, if you make a move..."

"Hehe, if it makes a move, no one in Xia Kingdom will be able to live!" Taiyi smiled and took it and said 100 million. _

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