The power of terror gathered in Chen Han's right fist.

The endless terrifying momentum erupted on Chen Han's body.

Let Anbei Chihime and Tokugawa Nobuyasu tremble, but they can't even take a complete step!


In an instant, a wave of white qi that formed a substance gushed out from Chen Han's fist, greedily devouring everything in front of him!

Whether it's Tokugawa Nobuyasu.

Also Anbei Qianhime, the two pillars of the Eastern Ying Kingdom of the Nine Heavens, or the army of the Thousand Gods Shogunate behind them.

Or the huge body of the Yin Heir, all of them were completely annihilated in Chen Han's angry punch.

There is not even a trace of existence to be found!

This time, Chen Han didn't receive a kill prompt, but he didn't need it, he didn't want to get any devil's physique, it would make him feel disgusting.

As for the golden big bow, Chen Han thought about it and decided to take it back, although he didn't have any sense of identity with Xia Guo, but his hatred for devils 027 was true, and he didn't want Xia Guo to repeat the mistakes of his former motherland.

But at the same time, when Emperor Jimmu died.

The whole Dongying has set off an uproar!

"Emperor Jimmu's life lamp is extinguished!"

"General Tokugawa Nobuyasu and Yasuya Senhime Shrine have also fallen?!"

"The Thousand Gods Shogunate Army has also lost contact!"

Dongying, who lost the three pillars in an instant, was gloomy everywhere.

But the others didn't have the courage to mention this matter to Xia Guo at all, so they could only quietly swallow their teeth into their stomachs!


Dong Yingguo and others, in Chen Han's opinion, are just a small episode and not worth mentioning.

When he returned to the Shendu base after more than ten minutes, Chen Han couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Now the war between the official and the abyss is quickly ended under Chen Han's iron-blooded methods.

The abyss is completely destroyed, and the official victory of the Xia Kingdom (acef) is great.

Originally, he thought that the military base would be a celebratory atmosphere of singing and dancing.

But in fact, the whole base is quite eerie.

The high-ranking government officials who originally admired him were now dodging, as if Chen Han was not a hero who saved the Xia Kingdom, but a plague god.

This made Chen Han quite puzzled.

That night, Chen Han had just had a conversation with him, and suddenly heard Zhao Yiyan's rather angry voice.

"What the hell are these people doing? The master is obviously a hero who saves the country, but what are they doing now?"

Zhao Yiyan sighed twice. "It's called unloading the mill and killing the donkey!"

Chen Han just smiled faintly, he was not a fool, he naturally saw the official attitude clearly, but he didn't take them to heart.

"If it weren't for the master's presence, I'm afraid that the entire Xia Kingdom would have been occupied by the abyss, and their high-ranking officials with fat heads and big ears, where are there still officials to do, they would have already become feces in the stomachs of ghosts!"

Chen Han couldn't help laughing, Zhao Yiyan has been becoming more and more like a human recently...

However, Zhao Yiyan's words also made Chen Han fall into deep thought.

The war between the Abyss and the Xia Kingdom has ended, but the aftermath is far from subsiding.

The strongest combat power of the official, the three marshals and the head of the family have all lost their combat effectiveness, and without the power of the Awakened, they are almost no different from ordinary people, and they are proficient in some combat skills at most.

After the abyss was exterminated, the supernatural events in the entire Xia Kingdom decreased dramatically.

The supernatural events that occurred in one day have been controlled in single digits, and even if they are just dispatching the low-end combat power of the Xia Kingdom, the Night Patrol Division can be perfectly resolved.

But now the entire high-level of Xia Guo is having a headache, that is, how to deal with Chen Han.

Originally, they were like ostriches, because there was a big scourge of the abyss pressing on their heads, they had to turn a blind eye to Chen Han's existence, and in order to win over Chen Han, they could help them fight against the abyss and make him the fourth marshal of the Xia Kingdom.

But now that the abyss has disappeared, the supernatural problem that has plagued Xia Guo for many years has basically been solved.

And the rest are some stinky fish and rotten shrimp that can't turn over any wind and waves, and Chen Han's question instantly sharpened.

"I don't care what people think of me. Chen Han shrugged his shoulders at Zhao Yiyan in his arms. "As long as they don't mess with me, then the well water doesn't interfere with the river water, and everyone is happy. "

This is Chen Han's principle all along.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people, if someone comes up to die, Chen Han will also fight back unceremoniously!

"Master, did I offend you just now?"

"You little goblin, get down!"



At the same time!

In the Shendu State Conference Room, there is a heated discussion at this moment.

"Chen Han is the hero who saved the Xia Kingdom, do we want to make the hero chill?!"

"That's right, if another abyss appears, without the help of Marshal Chen Han, what should we do?"

This is a politician who strongly supports Chen Han's faction.

"Now that the abyss has been completely wiped out, and the supernatural events in various cities have also been completely controlled, we have no need for Chen Han at all!"

"And he's dangerous, even more dangerous than a nuclear bomb!"

"That's right, a nuclear bomb can destroy a city, but if this Chen Han goes crazy one day, I'm afraid the entire Xia Kingdom will be destroyed by him!"

This is the "inverted Chen faction". _

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