Without staying long, Chen Han didn't even return to his residence, he was going to go directly to the Abyss Hall and find the ancient book in the mouth of the Taiyi Hall Master.

Being able to communicate with the world of Yin Hei is not possible compared to a single Taiyi Hall Master, and the most important thing is that book.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Han crossed thousands of kilometers and came to the headquarters of the abyss.

Looking at the empty hall in front of him, Chen Han could still smell the faint smell of blood in the air.

Although the original earth-shattering battle was violently terminated by him, the traces left behind may not dissipate for several years.

Soon, Chen Han rushed into the depths of the main hall, which was one of the most important places in the abyss, storing the wealth that the abyss had plundered over the years.

Mountains of gold, silver and jewelry, discarded on the ground at will, and these riches, which are enough to make ordinary people crazy, are now thrown on the ground like garbage.

Chen Han didn't even glance at these things, and continued to walk inside, occasionally a few password doors were also broken by Chen Han's punch, as for some of the traps left by several hall masters, aimed at the awakened, Chen Han didn't take it seriously at all.

Jewel 02 treasures, famous paintings, antiques.

The further you go inside, the more precious the contents of the treasury become.

Chen Han even saw a mummy, and he didn't know what the people of the abyss were collecting this kind of thing for.

Finally, Chen Han came to a secret room, and a faint smell of ink came from the crack in the door.

Presumably, this is where the Abyss stores books.

Chen Han didn't choose to use his fists this time, who knows how the books inside were placed, in case they were broken by his punch, but there was no way to recover.


Under Chen Han's thoughts, the heavy iron gate quickly turned into an ice sculpture, and with a little force, the entire door was completely shattered into slag.

After seeing the scene inside the door, Chen Han was dumbfounded.


Endless books!

Chen Han roughly estimated that there were at least a thousand bookshelves in this room, and each bookcase was densely packed with books, and the total amount was almost impossible to estimate!

If you want to find the book that the Lord of Taiyi Hall said in so many books, the difficulty is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack!

Besides, Chen Han couldn't use his ability, so he could only use the oldest method to rummage through them one by one.

"Why don't you call a few awakened people to look for them together?"

Chen Han thought about it and denied the idea, he was a little worried about others, in case this book was left behind by someone, it was better to find it himself.

It's a pity that these books are ordinary papers, and they don't emit any energy fluctuations, otherwise with Chen Han's spiritual power, he would be able to detect all the books here in an instant.

"Let's look for them one by one. "

Chen Han made a rough estimate that if he wanted to go through all the books, he could only pray that he would be lucky enough to find this book earlier.


Just when Chen Han threw himself into the sea of books, the Gao government had become a mess.

"Minister Zhang, country M has imposed economic sanctions on our country. "

"The country of sticks has lodged an official protest with the UN demanding sanctions against our country from all sides!"

Minister Zhang, who was in charge of foreign affairs, was in a state of anxiety, and there was a mess outside, so it was okay, but at this juncture, they suddenly discovered that the current backbone of the Xia Kingdom, Chen Han, had disappeared again!

Strange, why use it?

"Have you found the lord of the country?"

In the conference room, a group of officials had sad faces, and the League of Nations, led by country M, had put pressure on Xia Guo again, one was to ask Xia Guo to immediately retreat from Dongying and restore the independence and sovereignty of Dongying State, and the other was to ask Xia Guo to apologize to the world and compensate Dongying with a large amount of materials and money...

Minister Zhang really wanted to say the word "dream" at the press conference, but he couldn't, not to mention that now Chen Han suddenly disappeared.

You must know that today's Xia Kingdom, except for Chen Han.

All the Nine Heavens masters have lost their combat effectiveness, and although there are still many god generals, they have no power to resist in the face of the Nine Heavens Awakened Team led by Country M!

As soon as he thought of this, Minister Zhang would break out in countless cold sweats on his head.

Now is the weakest time for Xia Guo, if there are awakened people from other countries coming to commit crimes at this time, Xia Guo is simply a big girl at the mercy of others!

"Keep looking! We must find the Lord of the Kingdom as soon as possible!"

In the face of this situation, they can only play Tai Chi with Country M on the one hand, so as to delay the time, as long as they can find Chen Han, the matter will be solved.

"Have you asked Mistress Zhao?"

Chen Han is the lord of the country, so Zhao Yiyan is naturally the housewife.

After asking, she said that she had not seen Chen Han either. "

The lord of the country went to Dongying to deal with the supernatural incident, of course they had already found out, and the matter was perfectly resolved, and after Chen Han left, he never appeared again.

Therefore, they ruled out the possibility that Chen Han would encounter danger.

Even the ghosts that exceeded the Nine Heavens Realm had no way to help Chen Han, they didn't think that there was anything else in this world that could pose a threat to Chen Han.

"Send more people. "

Minister Zhang sighed, this is not a solution.

Chen Han, who is addicted to reading, has not known his Xia Kingdom since 027, and has fallen into dire straits.

The condemnation of Xia Guo intensified, and the high-level officials of Xia Guo, who already had a headache, found that in addition to external troubles, there was a lot of internal worries in Xia Guo.

"What, another paranormal event?"

Long Wu's eyes were shocked, the abyss disappeared, and the lord of the country, Chen Han, personally suppressed the stubborn supernatural events all over the country, originally they all thought that the word supernatural was about to become the history of the Xia Kingdom.

But what they didn't expect was that only a few days later, these supernatural events would resurgence again, and gradually emerge in various cities across the country!

Although Long Wu and other marshals have lost their combat effectiveness, they still have combat experience, so most of them serve as trainers of the Night Patrol Division, responsible for teaching some Night Patrol envoys who have just become awakened combat skills.

Occasionally, there are people who don't open their eyes, and they disrespect Long Wu because he is an ordinary person, and immediately there will be people from the Ri Patrol Division, and even gods will come forward.

Soon, everyone in the Night Watch Division understood that this ordinary person, who seemed to be powerless, could not be provoked at all.

"Yes, coach. "

One of the Night Watch captains bowed his head.

"The Night Patrol Division team we sent out is basically no opponent, even the weakest existence among these ghosts is as high as the Divine Hidden Six Heavens, and it is not something we can solve at all!"

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