Chen Han didn't react for a while, what does it mean to be taken away?

"What do you mean, the law can still be taken away?"

The sea of blood was silent for a few seconds, and said, "That's right, the power of the laws of the original surface world is more powerful than the power of the laws in the underground world, and the king of the realm that was born is also even more powerful. "

"But the more powerful something is, the more it can attract other people's watching. "

Chen Han frowned, the power of the law that could make the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure break through the limit could actually be taken away, didn't that mean that the person who took away this power had already surpassed the law?

"Who is it?"

"Of course, the king of the realm, the king of the realm of the former lower world, is not satisfied with being constrained by the power of the law, so all the kings of the realm choose to unite to fight against this power together. "

"The end result is this, they have stolen the power of the laws of the entire world and gained immense power. Blood Sea said in a deep voice: "It's just that such a powerful force is not something they can withstand at all. "

Chen Han's heart moved, and he took out the book he found in the Abyss Hall, "Do you know this book?" 027

If you can introduce the underground world in such a detailed book as this, you should also have some impressions of the ancient existence of the Blood Sea, right?

"Huh, you actually found this thing?" Blood's voice was a little surprised: "I originally thought it had been damaged, but I didn't expect it to be in your hands." "

"This is what the first realm king of the underworld has written, and it also records the events of seizing the power of the law in the first place. "

"If I'm not mistaken, the kings of the realm, after seizing the power of the law, all entered another dimension and established a force that called itself the 'Hades'. "


Chen Han's eyes widened.

"I can't imagine that the Hades Palace still has this kind of ability?" Chen Han was extremely surprised in his heart, in this way, there are also realm kings in the Hades Palace, and they are a group of realm kings who have carved up the power of the laws of the entire world!

They may be even more powerful than this group in the Underworld.

"I've told you everything I know. The voice of the sea of blood was mixed with a plea, "Leave, this place does not belong to you, and there is no room for you." "

"Now that there is a rift between the two realms, this must be resolved, right?" Chen Han asked, spreading his hands, "Otherwise, the current surface world would not be the opponent of the king of the realm at all. "

Without Chen Han's words, the surface world would have no power to fight back against this group of ghosts, even if it was only one realm king, it would be able to bring irreversible losses to the entire surface world.

"There is no possibility of solving. Blood Sea said: "Even if you are the king of the realm, it is impossible to plug the rift, because it is the power of the world itself, and it is not something that someone can resist." "

"What if one person's strength is strong enough to fight against the world itself?" asked Chen Han tentatively.

"I don't know, there have never been such examples. "Human, it's best not to try, even in the lowest world, the power it has is not something you can imagine. "

The more he said this, the more Chen Han wanted to try it.


The underworld, one of the realms of the eighteen Pluto, all looked rather restless.

"Is that human dead?"

"I should be dead, I'm afraid I've turned to ashes, right?"

"In the face of the creator of the underworld, no matter how powerful he is, it is not worth mentioning!"

As the kings of several realms were talking in low voices, they suddenly felt the entire heaven and earth begin to shake violently, as if the world was about to collapse.

"What's going on?" the King of the Realm was shocked, "It's the West!"

After they were made a fuss by Chen Han, their mood was always in a state of high tension, and without any hesitation, they immediately swarmed towards the place where the vibration came from.

Chen Han looked at a crack in front of him, according to the method given to him by the sea of blood, if he wanted to close the crack, he had to directly face the power of the world.

The crack is like a heavy iron door, and it is easy to pass through it, but in order to close the door, you must have the power to push the iron door.

And the weight of this iron gate is the entire underground world.

"This human isn't dead!"

"It has the breath of an immortal courtyard on it!"

Just as Chen Han was about to try to shake the iron door, he suddenly heard movement behind him.

"How is this possible..."

"Am I hallucinating?"

More than a dozen realm kings stood far behind it, their tones full of incredulity.

Having been to the Immortal Courtyard and still being able to come back intact was beyond the common sense in their hearts.

However, when they saw Chen Han's movements, they even felt a little frightened in their hearts.

"He's trying to close the crack?"

The kings of several realms could no longer sit still, and the passage between the two worlds that had only appeared by chance with great difficulty, if Chen Han was closed like this, then all their plans to invade the surface world would be in vain!

But when he thought of Chen Han's strength, the kings of these realms couldn't help but tremble.

No one dared to go up to find trouble with Chen Han, and the kings of these realms could only silently pray in their hearts that Chen Han, a human being who did not know the height of the sky, would be crushed to death by the power of the world.

"Not to mention human beings, even if they are gods, it is impossible to resist the power of the world itself!"

The King of the Realm said categorically: "Even if it is a god, it is a part of the world, and it cannot fight against itself!"

The kings of the other realms nodded their heads, which was why the power of the world was invincible.

It's just that what they don't know is that Chen Han not only does not belong to the underground world, but also does not belong to the surface world.

When Chen Han came into contact with the iron gate between the two realms, he quickly felt an unprecedented power, more powerful than all the forces he had encountered before combined.

"Die, die, die!"

A group of realm kings stood aside like cheerleaders, and their mouths couldn't help revealing their truest thoughts at this time.

In the face of this mountain-like power, Chen Han couldn't help but frown, which made the kings of the realms feel extremely excited.

They wished that Chen Han would continue to die, so that they could be crushed by the power of the world, after all, they alone could not shake a single hair of Chen Han.

"Looks like you're going to have to use two hands. Chen Han muttered to himself.


The kings of the realms were speechless, emotional... You've only used one hand before?_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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