Regarding Minister Zhang's answer, although Chen Han had some regrets in his heart, he also understood that this was a fact.

Regardless of the geographical location, the size of the M country is the same as the Xia country, and the language is also a big trouble.

In the end, Chen Han could only give up this idea.

What kind of secret weapon is being researched by country M, Chen Han doesn't care, even if they come out with an Avengers, Chen Han won't blink an eye.

However, there was always such a wild dog eyeing him at the door, which always made Chen Han feel a little uncomfortable, not to mention that this wild dog barked at him twice from time to time, and condemned Xia Guo in the international community every three or five times.

Early the next morning, Chen Han watched the news on TV and couldn't help frowning.

Last night, country M jumped out and issued an international statement, officially stating that it would make alliances with several Western countries and maintain the same stand in the international community and advance and retreat together.

In addition to these countries, country M also sent an "olive branch of friendship" to Maozi on the same continent.

Chen Han couldn't help but want to laugh, Mao Ziguo and M country have never dealt with each other very much, and it may be a little difficult to want Mao Ziguo to join this alliance.

However, what Chen Han didn't expect was that Mao Ziguo actually agreed, and declared that this was a "happy cooperation." "

I don't know what price country M paid, but Mao Ziguo, who has always been untreated, promised to wear the same pants as them.

It seems that Country M's fear of Chen Han has reached the bones, otherwise he would not have expanded his team without any sense of security without restrictions, as if he wanted to isolate Xia Country and defeat them with numerical superiority.

"Well, the Hades Palace won't be able to find clues for a while, so it's better to play with them. "

Put, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, felt a chill for no reason, looked around uneasily, and after finding that there was nothing abnormal, he asked his subordinates about the situation of the base, and only after getting the answer that everything was normal in the "base" did he completely put his mind at ease.

It's just that he couldn't have imagined that the plan he thought he was doing seamlessly would be a small skill in Chen Han's eyes.

At this time, Chen Han had already left the Xia Kingdom and appeared directly in the Vegas Desert of the M country.

With the scorching sun in the sky, the surrounding Gobi extremely desolate, and no human population at all, Vegas is indeed a suitable place to be a secret military base.

Chen Han didn't take this matter to heart at all, compared to the secret weapon of country M, Chen Han wanted to know how country M persuaded Mao Ziguo.

It didn't take long for Chen Han to find that military base, although the entrance had been concealed, and if you didn't look carefully, there was no difference between it and the surrounding desert at all, but it couldn't hide it from Chen Han's eyes at all.

In the calm desert, the ground suddenly trembled, and a helicopter platform quickly protruded from the sand, and a combat helicopter swept away at a considerable speed.

In this military base, in addition to the capable people, there are quite a few soldiers of country M.

If you force it, I'm afraid that time will escalate directly, and killing other people's awakened people and soldiers is not the same thing.

But Chen Han won't care about this, since country M dares to jump out, kick it over.

Chen Han's figure turned into a streamer and appeared directly at the entrance of the military base.

After the helicopter left, the entrance was closed long ago, and from the outside, it was nothing more than a chaotic desert Gobi, but there was another winter hidden underneath.

In the military base, Chen Han's figure was also captured.

"Sir, there's someone up there!"

The surveillance was quickly called out, and Chen Han, dressed in civilian clothes, sat on the stone at the entrance, looking like a tired traveler who was ready to rest.

"Probably those bored travelers who want to hike through the desert. "

The commander who was playing cards took a look at it and stopped paying attention, he has seen a lot of such people, and there were even people who died near the entrance last time, but the military base will never send people to rescue unless they get an order from above.

"Yes, sir. "

The soldier took the order, and the commander threw out four aces, laughed and put all the cash on the table into his pocket.

Thirty seconds later, the soldier came running again.

"Sir, that guy seems to have noticed something unusual. "

The surveillance was called up again, and not only the soldiers and commanders, but also several other officers at the card table looked at them curiously.

"What is he doing?"

"It seems to be... Ready to open our doors with your fist?"

During the surveillance, Chen Han slowly raised his fist and aimed it at the stones under his feet.

Suddenly, there was a burst of joking laughter in the military base, the soldiers guarding the military base had not been able to go out for several months, and there were few entertainment activities, and now they suddenly saw such a madman who wanted to hit a stone with his fist, as if it had detonated their laughter.

"I bet ten dollars, this guy is just pretending!"

"Maybe he's a spy?"

"But I've never seen such a stupid spy, haha!"

Unlike those soldiers who were laughing wildly, some of the awakened people of country M frowned when they saw Chen Han.

This person seems a little familiar?

"Guys, wait a minute, make this guy look a little bigger. A large wave of female awakened people rushed forward, and a bad feeling was already in their hearts.

"What's wrong?"

The officer felt a little bad when he saw the pale face of the female awakened person.

For the Awakened, these GIs don't have a good attitude, but they won't be stupid enough to tear their faces to their faces.

"Hank, do as she says. "The officer ordered the soldiers to carry out the orders of the Awoken.

"Yes, sir!"

In the surveillance video, Chen Han's face quickly occupied the entire screen.

The officer asked suspiciously, "Asian, Asian spy?"

Of course, these soldiers understand the contradictions between the country M and the country of Xia, but they don't know the specific reasons.

With the loss of three top-level decision-makers at once, and among them there is a top-secret weapon like X, country M can only knock out its teeth and swallow it in its stomach, and it can't even tell its own people.

"That's him!"

Several of the Awakened suddenly had horrified expressions on their faces, "It's over... We're going to see God. "

"What the hell is going on?" the officer said with anger on his face, "He's just a person, even if it's an Awakened One, we don't need to be afraid!"

In the impression of soldiers, the strength of the team is the most important, one awakened person can fight ten soldiers, but in the face of a hundred well-trained and heavily armed soldiers, the awakened can only drink hatred.

This is also the reason why they somewhat look down on the Awakened, believing that they are all reckless men who do not have any sense of fighting.

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