God is not qualified?

Chen Han's words seemed to trigger something, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze.

All the Nine Heavens Awakened felt that the atmosphere around them suddenly cooled, and a chill that penetrated their hearts almost made them unable to breathe.

Even the King of the Realm sensed that the wrath of the gods was condensing.

"That was both a punishment and a test. The voice in the sky did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, "Choose the god you want to follow!"

Chen Han listened to the commanding tone in his words, but just pursed his lips disdainfully.

"I'm afraid you've found out that you're no match for me at all. Chen Han laughed, arrogant to the extreme, "There is a saying called courtesy, you gave me an electrotherapy, I also have to give you a good massage!"

After saying that, Chen Han's right foot slammed on the ground, and the whole person soared into the air like a rocket.


The nearby realm kings all felt unsteady on their feet for a while, and when they fixed their eyes, the ground below Chen Han had already formed a large spiderweb-like crack.

"What does he want to do?"

A look of disbelief flashed in everyone's eyes, and in the past, they felt incredible just thinking about it.

Could it be that Chen Han wanted to attack the gods?

Fear made them afraid to think about it at all.

When will the God who decides their lives and deaths be despised?

In the past, even if they just thought about it, they would have a wave of fear that went deep into their bones.

God's control over the life and death of all people was the first rule they learned in Hades.

Some people even forget their names and don't fail to remember the phrase!

If a god wants to kill the king of the realm, it is only a matter of moving his fingers, and in normal times, God is not only the object of their respect, but also the source of their fear.

Otherwise, the king of the realm, who is the master of the Hades, would not have ordered the construction of so many palaces to worship the gods of the Hades!

But they never imagined that one day there would be a human who would dare to swing his fist like a god!

At this time, although Chen Han had quickly flown into the air, for them, the awakened and the king of the realm, Chen Han's every move was clearly seen by them.

In mid-air, Chen Han swung his right fist, looking like he wanted to pierce the thundercloud-covered sky.

"It's a pity. "

The Tiger King shook his head and sneered: "The strength is very strong, but I didn't expect my brain to be so bad." "

The more powerful the person in Hades, the more he will be able to understand the power of God.

For ordinary Ninefold Heaven Awakened Beings, the gods may only be the more powerful realm kings, because in their eyes, both gods and realm kings are powerful beings that cannot be defeated.

But in the eyes of the King of the Realm, they all understood the essential difference between themselves and the gods.

They are powerful banners, but God is a chess player who can subvert their existence at will, and if this chess player is not satisfied, he can take a chess piece from the chessboard at any time, and there is no room for them to resist at all.

He even said that God could overturn the entire chessboard at any time if he wanted to, and then their chess pieces would be thrown to the ground like garbage, and they would not have any resistance at all.

But now they didn't expect that Chen Han, a maverick chess piece, suddenly jumped up, as if he wanted to smash the chess player's toes fiercely.

"It seems that this person does not understand the gap between the Nine Heavens and the Immortal, and he also does not understand what kind of existence God is. "

The people of Hades have only had thirty seconds from not believing it at the beginning, to now they are happy to hear it, and even gloating.

In their impressions, Chen Han changed from ignorance to jealousy, to ridicule, and the change was so great that it was like riding a roller coaster.

Chen Han, who was waving his fist, smiled slightly, and slammed his fist into the sky above his head.

He wanted to see what was hidden in the three feet of his head.


After the punch was punched, Chen Han quickly returned to the ground and greeted him, as if he was a dying man.

Chen Han just looked up at the sky and leaned down to see if this so-called god could resist his punch.

In the sky, the thunderclouds rolled like a wave, and after a while, a large number of thunderclouds dispersed, as if nothing had happened, and everything suddenly returned to its original calm.

"Choose the god you follow..."

But what Chen Han didn't expect was that the voice coming from the sky still didn't change.

"What's going on?"

Chen Han thought for a moment, and his intuition told him that the god in the sky was a bit like a repeater, no matter what he said, this so-called god would not be counted at all, and would only repeat a sentence according to some specific circumstances.

"In that case..."Chen Han blinked, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Then scold this so-called god again." "

But as Chen Han expected, no matter how ugly he scolded, the voice in the sky didn't change at all, and he still repeated the same sentence.

And his fists did not disappoint him either.

In just one minute, all the nearby thunderclouds disappeared, and the fist wind brought by Chen Han's punch actually hit a small crack directly in the sky!

The surrounding Realm Kings and Awakened are almost in a state of stupor.

At first, Chen Han didn't know how to provoke the wrath of the gods, and they came here to see Chen Han's jokes, and then they were surrounded by Chen Han's wrath, and they felt schadenfreude while fearing the power of the gods.

When God himself sent down the decree, they were all replaced by jealousy.

Until now, Chen Han has made himself so arrogant that he despises God, and even attacks God!

Moreover, the power of Chen Han's punch completely made the black clouds in the sky dissipate completely, and the chattering divine voice also disappeared completely!

"He even gave up being the king of the realm..."

The crowd kept speculating.

Could it be that he was already in the Immortal Realm before he came to the Hades Palace?

The Tiger King's heart was already in chaos, Chen Han had obviously said that he was not an immortal realm, but the power that burst out of the punch just now made him extremely frightened.

The kind of fist that can break up Kamui, if the target is him...

The Tiger King couldn't help but shudder, then he was already a corpse...

As for Chen Han, the doubts in his heart were even worse.

He was sure that the previous thunder light was not a test, and he had heard the conversation of the Tiger King before.

At least before he came, even the harshest divine punishment of the Hades Palace had not reached this kind of Chengdu.

Chen Han didn't believe in any coincidences.

I'm afraid this so-called god didn't have any good ideas from the beginning, no matter what he wanted to do with himself, anyway, Chen Han didn't think it was so simple.

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