As soon as this thought popped into his mind, the Palace Master of the Underworld Palace instantly extinguished it.

"No way. "

In his mind, God stands for omnipotence and power.

A human being is not even qualified to be compared to God, let alone stronger than God.

But past experience has taught him that God's majesty is inviolable, and that if anyone dares to offend, God's punishment will show weakness and thunder.

It's just that Chen Han has become an exception.

The anger of the gods was disdained by him, and the punishment of the gods was also repelled by him with a wave of his hand, and even said that Chen Han didn't even care about the so-called gods.

"Why is there not the slightest connection, and there is not the slightest instruction!"

The palace master of the Hades Palace was very puzzled by this.

In the same way, Chen Han also looked at the changing huge mural in front of him with some experience.

After a drop of his blood was completely dripping into that altar, the huge sun on the mural gradually began to wilt, and the sunlight that had been scattered became smaller and smaller.

Eventually, the sun's rays dimmed completely, turning into an eerie black, and the rays of sunlight disappeared completely, as if absorbed by an endless black hole.

"I don't understand. Chen Han shrugged his shoulders, he didn't seem to understand these things.

The reason why I came to Hades was to figure out the power of the post-laws and the so-called gods.

As for these divine tricks, he didn't bother to waste his brains at all.

However, out of prudence, Chen Han did not make a move immediately, but decided to wait and see what kind of fame this mural could make.

The clouds in the sky were getting denser and denser, and even the king of the realm was aware of it.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is full of buildings.

The young man who suddenly appeared in Hades, fearless of God, was about to become the center of the storm.

"I don't know what will happen to the Hades this time. "

"I hope it's not something devastating, it's okay no matter how hard it is.

The kings of several realms muttered to themselves, they had been in this position for an unknown number of years, and they wished that everything around them would never change.

Chen Han's senses were quite keen, and he had already made a move before the first thunder light in the sky formed.

That thundercloud was instantly destroyed by Chen Han.

At the same time, some dense, locust-like black dots also appeared in the distance, slowly approaching Chen Han.


Chen Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw the person in it clearly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Want to use crowd tactics?

If there were so many gods, Chen Han would still feel high-spirited, but with so many realm kings together, I am afraid that it would not be as exciting as when he went to the underworld.

After all, in his impression, the king of the realm of the underworld is stronger than the one here.

More than a dozen realm kings, all of them looked at Chen Han with fierce eyes.

"It's hard to be caught, it's hard to do it!"

Chen Han's eyelids moved, except for gods, there was nothing that could summon so many realm kings.

It's just that the eyes of the kings of these realms have been completely filled with fanaticism, and there is not the slightest sense to speak of.

"Have these people been brainwashed by God?"

In just a minute, the kings of these realms disappeared completely, and there was no trace of them left.

In the case of not leaving his hands, no matter how many realms there are, it is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables for Chen Han.

However, although the bodies of the kings of these realms were disintegrated by Chen Han, they left behind something that made Chen Han feel familiar.

The power of the law!

The power of the law that lingered from the bodies of these realm kings all turned into a faint mist, lingering and rising into the sky.

The overcast sky became more and more gloomy, and the aura became more and more powerful.

"Interesting. "

Chen Han saw a group of realm kings again, and rushed towards him without fear of life and death.


Clouds rolling.

The successive realm kings fell under Chen Han's fist, and the power of the laws gathered became more and more.

Although there is not much that each realm king can provide, if the power of the law provided by dozens of realm kings is superimposed, the power it provides is definitely not to be underestimated!

Chen Han also gradually discovered such a point.

According to his understanding, there were no more than forty or fifty realm kings in the Hades.

But the king of the realm who died under his fist was eighty, if not a hundred.

"Could it be those gods who are the kings of the mass manufacturing field?" Chen Han felt that this was the most likely.

It's just that he doesn't understand what God Alcohol wants to do.

If he is ready to concentrate all the power of the law, the god does not need to make a new realm king, but only needs to gather all the current realm kings together and send them to death.

There are fewer and fewer kings of the realm who come to send people's heads, but their strength is also getting stronger, although it is also a one-punch solution for Chen Han.

Finally, Chen Han felt that his arms were about to go sore, and the king of the realm who came to him was finally the last one left.

Unexpectedly, the eyes of the king of this realm were no longer fanatical, but extremely clear.

Chen Han now understands what is going on, this group of people is afraid that they were not the kings of the realm in the first place, but they were forcibly infused with the power of the law by the so-called gods to send them to death.

Every time a batch dies, the power of the law will be condensed by Chen Han once.

Until the end, the power of the law of dozens of people was condensed into the last wisp.

And this wisp of law power created the last king of a separate realm.

Just as he was about to swing his fist again, Chen Han's movements suddenly froze.

The person in front of him seemed to be not a living thing but a sculpture, and even Chen Han couldn't feel the slightest breath of him.

"You're... God?"

Chen Han was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, and grinned: "I don't know if God can let me punch." "

If this is God, it makes Chen Han a little surprised.

In his impression, God is also the kind of strong man who wears gold armor and gold clothes, tall and majestic.

Now such a short and incomparably small thing, as if it didn't exist, really surprised Chen Han, he felt that even if he killed him with one punch, he would not have the slightest sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The person standing in front of him did not have the slightest human breath, but a shell completely forged by the power of the law.

"I'm just a law, not a god. "

God said, "Go away, or there will be endless fighting." "

Chen Han's face was a little strange, could this be regarded as a god who had already confessed it?

However, if someone is scared away by such a sentence, it is not Chen Han's character.

"I'll kill you with one punch first, and then kill the god behind you with one punch!"

Chen Han's voice was flat, as if he was talking about something extremely ordinary.

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