Under Putte's orders, all the Awakened who worked for the government of Country M were issued a game helmet.

"This bird thing can really make people break through the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure?"

Most people are skeptical about it.

The time they had advanced to the Nine Heavens was measured in years, and each of them tried various methods to go further, but the result was naturally a failure.

"Who knows, but now we have a successful example, don't we?"

Of course, there are people who are skeptical, and naturally there are people who are full of expectations for this.

"I don't believe it, and if I succeeded, I wouldn't tell anyone about it. "

"That's right..."

The whispers came and went, and Louis was very irritated to listen.

He swore he had never wanted to reveal it, but when he tried to hide it, every cell in his body was warning him.

If you don't disclose the secret, a serious disaster will definitely happen.

On the other hand, Chen Han was watching the movements of this group of awakened people from high in the air.

The so-called rat trap is nothing more than that.

The breeze blew, and Chen Han lowered his head and met Louis's gaze.

"Huh, did he find me?"

Chen Han's expression became a little strange.

In the puzzled eyes of the awakened people of Country M, Louis suddenly broke out of the window, and the speed was so fast that they didn't react at all.

Chen Han patted his head, he had forgotten that this Louis was no longer an ordinary Nine Heavens Awakener, but a real realm king.

The perception of his surroundings has long been extraordinary, and his own position is indeed impossible to hide from the eyes of a realm king.

"Who are you?"

Louis looked at the young man in front of him alarmingly.

Xia Guoren?

He had not participated in the battle between the country of M and the country of Xia, and it was normal that he did not know Chen Han.


Do you want to kill this Louis here?

But if you just kill him like this, will the gods find out that the abnormality is abnormal?

After hesitating for less than a second, Louis was already impatient.

Ever since he broke through the Nine Heavens, Louis's self-confidence began to swell dramatically, and he even placed himself in a position on the altar.

Originally, he was still worried that a large number of Nine Heaven Awakeners would overwhelm him with numerical superiority, but after a few battles, he found that no matter how many Nine Heaven Awakened Ones there were, they were not his opponents at all.

"I am the god of the world!"

The attack was instantaneous, and if the opponent was an ordinary Nine Heavens Awakener, then Luis's movements were absolutely swift, even beyond the limit of what his eyes could capture the picture.

But in Chen Han's eyes, with this level of attack, he didn't even blink his eyes.


Louis's eyes widened in disbelief.

His fist was firmly caught by the young man in front of him.


A burst of blue lightning erupted throughout Louis's body, and the sky above the two of them quickly turned gray.

Chen Han was a little surprised, because he felt a familiar taste in Louis—the power of law.

"Being able to use it so skillfully must not be your own credit. "

Chen Han deliberately explored Luis's strength, and did not attack, but focused on defense.

Ordinary people couldn't detect the battle between the two in the sky, but for the awakened people below, the palpitating power fluctuations in the sky couldn't hide their perception at all.

Soon, the Nine Heavens Awakened Ones, who were originally wearing game helmets, walked out of the house one after another.

"What's that?"

"Louis got into a fight with someone?"

"He's a Beyonder, do we have another Beyonder?"

Countless people are talking, a transcendent Louis has made them doubt life, and now there is another one?

Louis wasn't in a good mood.

In the battle with the Xia country in front of him, he had already used all his strength, but the other party gave him the feeling as if he was strolling leisurely, as if he himself was a cat with teeth and claws, trying to attack an extremely strong elephant.

His fist was caught lightly, and the power of the attribute was slapped away casually, and all means of attack were useless in front of this Xia countryman.

"Is that all there is to it?"

Chen Han shook his head in disappointment, and when he was trying to get out, he suddenly found a blue light flashing in Louis in front of him.

The strong power of the law poured out, making Chen Han stop with considerable interest.

"You're strong, human. "

Louis opened his mouth and let out a voice that was not his own, deep and deep.

"Who are you?" Chen Han asked knowingly.

The sudden arrival of the god through Louis caught him by surprise, and he thought it was just some of Louis's big moves.

A cold viper-like aura enveloped Chen Han, making him frown unconsciously.

It's just that this feeling disappears in an instant.

"You're nice enough to be our partner. "

The deep voice carried a hint of bewitchment, "We are Celestial Walkers, join us, and you can become an eternal once and for all." "

"Utter eternity?"

Chen Han blinked.

"That's right, I guess you've learned the power of the law, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to defeat this puppet. "

After hearing this, Chen Han breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It seems that he has not been exposed too much, at least not so far as to arouse the alarm of these gods.

But this is God's second invitation, right?

Chen Han's face was a little strange, in the Hades Palace, the gods had thought of pulling him into the gang, maybe he could ask them about their purpose?

After all, until now, Chen Han couldn't figure out what the purpose of these gods was.

"Our purpose?"

With a wave of Luis's right hand, Chen Han magically found that his surroundings suddenly changed.

The ground was once full of high-rise buildings, desolate and full of ruins and rusty cars, and human civilization seemed to be as rusty as steel.

Although it was in the sky, Chen Han saw these clearly.


Chen Han raised his eyebrows, this kind of fresh method was somewhat beyond his expectations, if it weren't for his spiritual power there, I am afraid that he would have thought that the world had suddenly changed.

"That's right, this is where this planet belongs. Luis, who called himself a Skywalker, said lightly: "Even the most powerful aborigines can't get rid of this catastrophe. "

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