When Chen Han came back with a giant silver-white giant egg, the hearts of the entire Xia Kingdom leaders refused.

"It's... What is this?"

When Chen Han told them that this could make the Awakened improve their strength, everyone had a skeptical look on their faces.

If it weren't for Chen Han who said this, they probably wouldn't have believed even a word.

However, Chen Han didn't bother to explain, things at the level of the power of the law were too far away for them to come to the book.

Even Louis, who had broken through the Nine Heavens before, probably didn't understand what was going on with him at all.

"However, compared to the group of unlucky people in country M, you are still lucky. Chen Han said to himself, since Louis had been in contact with the government/government of State M before this, presumably President Putt would definitely get to the bottom of it.

If Country M was really able to create a batch of realm kings, Chen Han could think of their next move with his feet, and he would definitely kill him in one go.

Emmm, Chen Han almost didn't laugh out loud when he thought of this scene, and then thought of the scene where they were destroyed by his own punch.

His goal is the so-called heavenly god hidden in the sea of stars, and after completely solving the troubles of the earth, Chen Han will set off immediately.

After asking about the situation, Chen Han found that the situation was not as optimistic as he imagined.

In the entire Daily Patrol Division, there are more and more people who have achieved the Divine Hidden Eightfold Heaven, but there is still no one who has broken through to the Divine Hidden Ninefold Heaven.

This is definitely not good news for Chen Han.

Although there was no difference between the Divine Hidden Eight Heavens and the Divine Hidden Nine Heavens for Chen Han, if he wanted to use the power of the law to transform them into realm kings, the Divine Hidden Nine Heavens were the most important premise.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Divine Treasure Eight Heavenly Awakened Ones, they would not be able to resist the power of the vast law at all, and it would be normal for them to be held up to explode in an instant.

Chen Han was reluctant to treat the current top-level combat power of the Xia Kingdom as a guinea pig, although there might be an eightfold heaven awakened person who could resist this pressure, but after all, it was only a few.

"Haven't you reached the Nine Heavens Awakened?"

Chen Han sighed and looked at the Japanese Patrol Division in front of him.

As the most gifted awakened person recognized by the entire Japanese Patrol Division, Fang Ran, who was only twenty years old, not only felt a burst of nervousness.

When they heard that Chen Han had the potential to make the Awakened go further, the others were the first to recommend him.

While he was moved, he couldn't help but feel a burst of nervousness in his heart.

After all, what Fang Ran wanted to see was the number one combat power of the entire Xia Kingdom, and even the entire world!

At the beginning, Chen Han's deeds of fighting alone in the abyss were sealed as a secret by the high-level, but Fang Ran, as a leader of the new generation, also learned some information about Chen Han more or less.


These two words Fang Ran had heard the most, but when he really saw Chen Han, he felt that there was a difference.

Judging from the surface alone, Fang Ran felt that what he saw was not a terrifying awakened person waving his hand to pick up the stars and the moon, but an ordinary young man.

Aside from the piercing eyes, there were no other anomalies.

But even so, Fang Ran didn't dare to show the slightest contempt.

"Report to the Lord of the Kingdom, not yet, but there are many Eightfold Heaven Awakened Ones who have reached the point of being on the verge of a kick in the door, if there is an opportunity, it is not a problem to break through to the Ninth Heaven, and then the Xia Kingdom can instantly have seven or eight more Ninefold Heaven Awakened Ones. "

Fang Ran looked at Chen Han's expression as he spoke, and found that there was no expression fluctuation on Chen Han's face, even when he heard that there might be seven or eight Nine Heavens Awakened Persons, Chen Han didn't even blink his eyes.

"Maybe that's the master. "

Fang Ran sighed secretly, since he became an Awakened One, he had always been the object of envy in everyone's eyes.

Young, gifted, and unlimited.

But when Fang Ran saw Chen Han, he felt a disappointment that he had never felt before.

What's the use of having the best talent?

Others have already turned their talent into strength, and even when they hear about seven or eight Nine Heaven Awakened Beings, they won't have the slightest fluctuation.

On the other hand, after hearing a little bit of news that he might become stronger, his heart became extremely excited.

"Maybe this is the gap in the realm?" Fang Ran randomly felt that he should cheer up, he had heard that Chen Han was not the type of accumulation, but a sudden rise to prominence, and in a short period of time, he had accomplished things that were impossible in the eyes of many people, and many people even said that Chen Han was the reincarnation of an immortal.

Although Fang Ran felt that this statement was quite nonsense, there seemed to be no better explanation than this.

"Divine Treasure Nine Heavens..."Chen Han rubbed his chin with his right hand, "But I can tell you that the M country will not stop, maybe it won't take a week for the M country to give birth to many awakened people who have broken through the Nine Heavens." "


Fang Ran's heart was shocked!

He was still working hard to break through to the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure, but what he didn't expect was that there was already an existence beyond the Nine Heavens in Country M!

Fang Ran didn't have any doubts about Chen Han's words, even if it sounded quite incredible.

It's like an exam, when you are still working hard to get a 60 pass, but suddenly you hear someone in the next class taking a 100 and 1 score, that kind of shock makes Fang Ran not realize that his mouth can't close for a while.

"It's... Then we..."

More than a dozen beings beyond the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure?!

Fang Ran couldn't even say a complete sentence, if such a thing really happened, by that time, even if there were awakened people from the Seven Eight Gods and Nine Heavens in his Xia Kingdom, he would not be an opponent!

Although Fang Ran never doubted Chen Han's strength, in the face of more than a dozen awakened people who surpassed the Nine Heavens, Chen Han could only fight alone!

Although he didn't know how strong he was to break through the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure, it was easy for an Awakened Person of the Nine Heavens to kill an Awakened Person of the Eight Heavens who was one level lower than him!


Chen Han wondered if he had frightened the young man in front of him, the king of more than a dozen realms, even if he took 10,000 steps back, they couldn't be his opponents together, how could he scare the rising star of the patrol division like this?

The psychological quality of this year's Japanese Patrol Division is not good!

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