They just heard that Chen Han might have the hope of becoming stronger here, and being able to meet Chen Han is also one of the wishes in many people's hearts.

"On the side of country M... More than a dozen awakened people who have surpassed the Nine Heavens are about to appear. "

Fang Ran said the matter with some difficulty.

Just as Fang Ran expected, the expressions of the dozen or so awakened people in front of him were all exactly the same.

The eyes are so big, the mouth is half open, and the face is full of shock.

"How is this possible?"

"More than a dozen? Awakened Beyond the Nine Heavens?"

"Our Xia Kingdom doesn't even have a Nine Heavens. "

If Chen Han hadn't stood here, they would definitely have taken Fang Ran's words as a joke.

But the expression on Chen Han's face was not like a fake, they could only choose to believe it.

However, to Chen Han's surprise, the shock on the faces of these people did not last long, and it didn't take long for them to even turn into fighting spirit within a few minutes.

"Lord, did you snatch this from country M?"

Someone asked hesitantly.

Everyone listened attentively, and the silver-white giant egg behind Chen Han obviously showed signs of damage, and this statement was not impossible.

"emm, this is indeed what I brought back from country M, but this..."

Before Chen Han finished speaking, the faces of these awakened people were solemn and respectful.

"Sure enough, it was the lord of the country, and he discovered the small actions of country M at the first time. "

"Country M is able to make such a thing..."

"There must have been a lot of wasted thoughts, this kind of thing, even if it is said to be the treasure of the town, it is not an exaggeration..."

Chen Han blinked, he felt that there seemed to be a beautiful misunderstanding in this.

It's just that he is also made up by these people.

"Ahem. "

Fang Ran coughed twice and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"We don't have a lot of time. Chen Han paused, and then said: "Next, Fang Ran will be in charge of your actions, how to break through to the Nine Heavens, I have already said before, I can't give you detailed advice, this point will be discussed among you yourself." "

"However, you can try the machine behind me, and I'll do my best to keep you safe. "

If you want to say that Chen Han thinks that he is the first, but if he wants to protect others, Chen Han will not dare to pack the ticket.

In particular, he is not familiar with the power of the law at all, and even the power of the Awakened is not very well understood.


Fang Ran nodded solemnly, and then left with the other awakened ones.

Although they really wanted to try the thing behind Chen Han now, since Chen Han's repeated explanations might be dangerous, Fang Ran also felt that they should discuss it in advance.

Although they are not afraid of death, if they can live, no one wants to die without knowing it.

Chen Han's side is in full swing, and he wants to build a force that can resist country M.

In other words, to build a force that can make Xia Guo worthy of his position after he loses himself.

He didn't need the allegiance of these people, he just needed their loyalty to the Xia Kingdom.

According to the hints given to him by the old country lord, these people's sense of belonging to the Xia country was already the top group of the awakened ones, and the old country lord hoped that Chen Han could ensure their safety as much as possible and not let them die outside the battlefield.

"Opportunity means risk, and I can only do as much as I can, but I can't guarantee anything. "

Chen Han didn't dare to pack a ticket for this in his heart.

On the first day when the top twenty Eightfold Heaven Awakened Persons of the Xia Kingdom gathered, the circle of Awakened Persons in the M Kingdom was also not peaceful.

A legend that sounded very strange gradually spread.

Someone has broken through the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure and reached a new realm!

Most of the awakened people in country M took this incident as a joke, but this news caused a very small number of people to think.

A long time ago, someone had heard about the instant elimination of the three top awakened people in country M.

Although there are more and more versions of this matter, in general, all the versions point to the same fact.

That is, in the Xia Kingdom, there were indeed people who were able to eliminate the three Nine Heaven Awakened Ones in an instant, but it was not a sneak attack!

At the beginning, some people doubted this, could it be that someone in the Xia Kingdom had already broken through to a new realm.

But this sound is minimal.

Since the appearance of the Awakened, the Nine Heavens have always been the limit of the Awakened, just like water flowing downward, it has become an iron law that everyone firmly believes in.

The Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure are the Iron Law.

But now, more and more people have loosened their faith in this matter.

After all, many of them knew Louis.

He had announced a few days ago that he had broken through the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure, and even if some people didn't believe it, the rest of the people couldn't help but come over to inquire about it, and they wouldn't lose a piece of meat if they inquired anyway.

"Have you heard?"

"What's the matter?"

"What do you think I'm talking about?"

It often takes a glance for two people in a conversation to understand what each other is talking about.

"Of course, but believe me, it's absolutely impossible. "

"In fact, I was the same as you an hour ago and thought it was impossible. "

"And then?"

One of them asked.

"But His Excellency the President is recruiting the masters of the Nine Heavens, and is still hinting that it can help us further in strength!"

"You're not stupid enough to believe a president, are you?"

Another person remains skeptical.

"I'm going to try it. "

The secret document signed by Putt himself stated that he would recruit as many Awakened Awakened Heavens as possible to provide for Zeus's plan.

That's right, the name was Put's own idea.

He imagined this vigorous god-making project as a great revival movement for country M to replace Xia and regain their number one throne in the world.

The conditions of Pu Zhunuo are also quite attractive, and they have attracted more than sixty awakened people for a while, but unfortunately only a small number of them are masters of the Nine Heavens of the Divine Treasure, and most of them are some Awakened Ones who want to come to the Eight Heavens or even the Eight Heavens to touch the fish.

Putt did not refuse to come, anyway, they came, and it was not up to him to decide whether he would succeed or not.

"These Eightfold Heaven Awakened Ones will basically not succeed. "

The president's deputy was a little anxious.

"So what?"

"Your Excellency, I have to warn you, this will reduce our success rate, and I am afraid that it will be even more difficult to attract the awakened of the Nine Heavens. “

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