Luthor has already let go, he doesn't want to die now, even if he becomes a dog of the Xia people, it is better than being a corpse.

And it could also be a senseless corpse.

If he resists strongly, the result will be a certain death, and after his death, he may not even be famous, and will even be branded by his successor with words such as "stupid", "ignorant of the overall situation", "short-sighted" and so on.

This is definitely not acceptable to Luther.

Luther's tough remarks silenced Putt on the screen.

Not only was Luther unacceptable, but neither was Put.

If that Xia country man really included the Western world into the Xia country's territory, even if the Beondalian's plan was successful, he would have too many enemies to face at that time.

For five minutes of silence, Putt remained motionless, and if it weren't for the fact that his chest was still rising and falling, Luthor would have thought that the person on the screen had died suddenly.

Luther's throat squirmed twice, and his words broke the strange silence: "An awakened person of this level, will ordinary people pose a threat to him?"

Although he knew it was impossible, Luthor asked with a hint of luck.

"No way. "

Putt hesitated, but in the end he didn't choose to deceive, otherwise he might really push Luthor into the arms of the Xia people.

"No matter how large a firearm is, it can't break through his skin. "

Putt remembers the military base very well, "and even the missiles will not help him." "

Luther's pupils narrowed suddenly, and he lost his voice: "How is this possible? No matter how powerful the Awakened is, they can only temporarily avoid the edge in the face of the missile!"

Putt shook his head, paused and said, "Actually, if the missile explodes, it may cause some damage to him, but this is just speculation, after all, no missile has ever been able to hit him." "

"In addition to his strength, speed, and endurance beyond ordinary people, he also has a strange ability to freeze ice, even if it is a missile with a speed of tens of thousands of knots, it will be frozen into ice by him and fall down. "

Putt is reluctant to admit it, but that's what it is.

"You mean, maybe there's a weapon that can hurt him?"

"Yes. "

Luthor cleared his throat and said, "We need your naval forces. "

"Do what?"

Putt was stunned for a moment, and a bad association appeared in his heart.

"Your secret weapon, deployed on the destroyers of your fleet of the USS Washington!

In the face of Luther's aggressive questioning, Putt just stared at him a few times without saying a word: "I'm surprised, you guys even know this, maybe it's time for me to clean up the spies in the army..."

"That's not the point. Luthor smirked, "Your electromagnetic cannon, if driven at full power, can reach a speed of one thousandth of the speed of light, believe me, even that Xia Guoren will definitely not be able to resist it! He will even be injured because of it!"

"But exposing us this time may lead to the failure of the Beyonder Project!" Putt couldn't accept.

"It's a pity that England is about to become an ally of the Xia people. Luthor didn't look worried, "Next time we meet, maybe we've become enemies." "

Luthor smiled and prepared to turn off the communicator as he spoke.

"Deal!" Washington's fleet is at once heading for the English Channel!" Putt clenched his fists.

I have to say, this is a very risky move.

A Tyrannosaurus rex is terrifying enough, and if it completely angers this Tyrannosaurus rex, will it directly turn the entire grassland upside down?

Now, though, they have no other choice.

"The fleet needs four hours to arrive, and the target is not able to move, otherwise it will not be able to lock. Putt gritted his teeth and said, "In order to ensure the implementation of the plan, we will also send ten of the best combat teams, each of which will be led by a Nine Heavenly Awakener. "

Putt felt his heart bleed.

"Very good and happy to work with. "

Luthor finally showed a relaxed smile, and when he saw Put's hemorrhage, he also felt a dark feeling in his heart, otherwise he would not be able to balance his heart no matter how he thought about it.

It's just that now Luthor still needs to hold out for ten hours.

As for himself, Luthor was going to hide directly inside the vault, which was not very strong, but it was better to be hidden.

The entire Western world has set off a violent storm because of Chen Han's arrival.

The politicians trembled, the anarchist organizations began to cheer, and some even thought of contacting Chen Han and wanted to communicate with him about the great "holy war".

As for the result, Chen Han let Ran easily destroy them.

He is not a terrorist who wants to destroy the Western regime, but just wants to bring the greatest stability to the Xia Kingdom before leaving this world.

Three hours after coming to the West, in addition to the country of De, there were six other small countries that declared the Xia country as the center.

Whether they mean it or not, once it is publicly announced, it will not be up to them at that time.

"Next up is England..."

However, when Chen Han went to England, he was surprised to find that not only were there no awakened people here, but even their prime minister had disappeared.

"That's a bit of a problem..."

Chen Han is a little painful, it is easy to find a powerful awakened person with spiritual power, but finding a prime minister who is no different from ordinary people, or when the other party intends to hide and cut off contact with the outside world, I am afraid it will be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Han quickly switched his target, anyway, there are not many other countries in the West, that is, there are many countries, a big continent, and dozens of pieces of land have been divided, and some countries are not even as big as a city in Xia Kingdom, and the concept of a piece of land and the whole country must be circled.

In Chen Han's opinion, he is completely full.

As for the British Prime Minister who was hiding, Chen Han didn't bother to waste his energy looking for it.

He just grabbed the highest-ranking person in the government building and announced that he was the new prime minister of England.

The other party immediately swallowed the pie that fell from the sky into his stomach, in fact, this is not up to him, after all, his life is in Chen Han's hands.

Soon, the new prime minister, representing England, announced the establishment of a "friendly and indestructible alliance" with the Xia Kingdom. "

Although this aroused the opposition of other high-ranking government officials, Chen Han only found a few of the most fierce ones, and with a little use of his demagogic ability, they immediately turned the gun and became the most effective supporters of the new prime minister.

As for the media, there was no need to take matters into their own hands, and all the official mouthpieces began to tout that the alliance was "a far-reaching and sensible choice." "

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