"Hades is the mark of the past?"

Chen Han was extremely surprised.

He remembered that there were many statues in the Hades, all of which were carved to worship the gods.

In this way, God has long known about the existence of the surface world.

"Why is there such an obelisk, though?"

"What does the Father mean, can we snoop into?" said Neutron Star as a matter of course, "It seems that the Father wanted to cultivate this place as a third civilization like you, and that's why he built it—this obelisk." "

"It seems that this is some kind of special mark. "

Chen Han secretly said in his heart, unless he confronted that father face to face, he couldn't think of a reason at all based on his own words.

Just as Chen Han was admiring the majestic spire, Neutron Star's face suddenly changed.

"Why is there a void beast's breath here?"


Chen Han was shocked in his heart, could it be that this kind of thing would not be noticed by him if it was close to him?

After releasing his spiritual power, Chen Han did not notice any abnormal aura, and after looking left again, he found that there was no abnormality nearby, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

But under its own demagogic system, it is impossible for Neutron Star to lie to itself.

"It's not the Voidbeast itself, it's its minions!" Neutron Star's voice was a little anxious, "The Voidbeast was born in the Chaotic Void, and its consciousness is extremely chaotic, which often causes part of the Voidbeast's consciousness to be separated from itself and become one, and this existence is the so-called Void Minions. "

"I see. Chen Han frowned, "But where are these void minions hiding?"

He thought he was so mentally sensitive that something could slip out of his nose.

"I don't know. Neutron Star's answer made Chen Han almost want to vomit blood, "I said at the time, they used to appear here. "

Neutron Star blinked, "It's not like there are Void Beasts on this planet right now. "

Seeing Chen Han's unkind face, Neutron Star hurriedly added: "However, it's not wrong to be careful, the arrival of the Void Minions often doesn't have any warning. "

Neutron Star's face suddenly became serious, "Moreover, they can also travel through space, no matter how far away, they can only reach it in an instant." "

Chen Han was quite speechless about this, his speed advantage was instantly lost when facing these freaks.

Chen Han, who was in a rather delicate mood, stopped speaking, and slowly approached the black obelisk to take a closer look.

From an artistic point of view, the obelisk is a typical Gothic building, and it exudes an eerie aura all around.

It's not like the handiwork of a great god, it's more like an evil alien artifact.

The material of the minaret is also quite unique, non-gold and iron, more like stone, just a little closer, you can feel the boundless cold.

Unable to agree with the aesthetics of the gods, Chen Han lost interest in the tower, and was about to leave the planet when something strange happened.

An extremely strong sense of danger chilled his heart, and he also gave birth to a feeling.

That is, no matter how fast he is, even if he exceeds the light, it is impossible to completely avoid this danger.

"What the hell?"

Chen Han's heart was shocked, and with his own defense, even if he resisted an asteroid falling from the sky, there would be no problem!

There was no time to turn back, Chen Han's heart was horizontal, since he couldn't dodge, then he would strangle the danger with one punch!

Everything happened between lightning and fire, and Neutron Star was even looking at Chen Han ignorantly, wondering why Chen Han suddenly burst out with such momentum.

"Void minions!?"

When the neutron star turned back, the current flowing in his eyes stopped for a moment.

"Is it really ambushed around here?" Neutron Star barely made any movements, although he had the ability to travel through space, but in front of the Void Minions, this ability not only could not help him escape from Ascension, but would also bring great danger!

As the name suggests, the Void Minions are the creatures that know the most about the Void Space, except for the Void Beasts!

Once the neutron star dares to use the ability to travel through space, it will definitely be targeted by the Void minions!

Moreover, although the neutron star's ability to grasp space is not low, compared to the void minions who are exposed to the void space all day long, the neutron star's technology is simply an axe, and even if it is directly swallowed by the void beast when it shuttles through space!

0·Ask for flowers·····

The only thing that Neutron Star cares about now is whether he can continue to live after Chen Han dies.

A creature targeted by the minions of the Void, even a child of a god cannot escape death.

More than one Son of God died at the mouth of the Void Minions, and although Neutron Star had faced the Void Beast more than once, he never imagined that he would one day come into contact with such a terrifying creature at such close range.

However, Neutron Star saw a scene that terrified him even more.

In the face of the surprise attack of the Void Minions, Chen Han didn't even have any intention of dodging, and even had to swing his fist and fight the Void Beast?

Neutron Star instantly doubts himself - how on earth did he lose to this arrogant human?


All this happened just between lightning and fire, and Chen Han's whole person was like a cheetah ready to go, exuding an aura of vigilance all over his body!

The Void minions that could shuttle through space were really beyond Chen Han's original imagination, and for this kind of thing, the concept of speed had long been lost.

Chen Han's movements came to an abrupt halt.

Only then did he have time to turn his head and see what the Void Beast in front of him really looked like.

It is difficult to describe the specific appearance of this creature, if he has to say it, Chen Han can only think of those monsters living in the deep sea.

They resemble jellyfish, with a pale blue glow and seven or eight slowly wriggling tentacles around them, which is quite disgusting.

The most surprising thing was that he felt as if his punch had missed.

It seemed to hit the cotton, which made Chen Han feel quite uncomfortable.

"Didn't hit?"

Chen Han's face was flushed with a different color, but no matter what, this punch did force the Void minions to stop, and they were just staying in place now, as if they were also looking at Chen Han.

"The Void minions are immune to physical injuries... harm?"

Before Neutron Star's words were finished, his eyes were like copper bells.

The Void Minions, which were originally normal, suddenly became looming, like an inflating balloon, and their bodies continued to grow larger and lighter, and then slammed and turned into nothingness.

"How is this possible?" the neutron star was really amazed. _

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