"My name is Chen Han, and I've actually discovered that I'm a character in a novel. "

Chen Han shuttled through the void expressionlessly, "But there is nothing in this special mother!"

"Okay. Originally, there was, but I gave it up myself. "

Chen Han let out a long sigh.

This trip was a great test for his heart.

If you zoom out, you can see that above the path of Chen Han's current flight, there is a huge white disc floating, and three huge statues stand majestically on it.

The distance between the two is rapidly shortening, and it may not take half to disappear before the two sides collide.

"There is a situation!"

Neutron Star, who hadn't taken the initiative to speak for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, "There is a miracle ahead. "

Along the way, Chen Han and Neutron Star encountered a lot of strange things.

Now, apart from the Black Domain, there are few things that can make Chen Han interested.


Even if Neutron Star took the initiative to remind him, and the name of that thing also had the word "god" in it, Chen Han definitely lacked 02 interest.

"If I didn't expect it, we'll be bumping into them in twenty minutes. "

This made Chen Han blink, although he didn't bother to take the initiative to pay attention, but the other party crashed into the door, and it was not impossible to watch.

Twenty minutes went by in the snap of a finger.

The huge silver-white roulette wheel also appeared in Chen Han's sight.

From a distance, the roulette wheel looks a bit like the gambling wheel in Chen Han's impression, but there is no scale in the middle, and some are just three huge statues.

Even in the universe, Chen Han can see it very clearly.

Extrapolating the distance, he found that the height of the three statues was at least half the size of a world.

"Are these carved according to the deities of God?"

Chen Han was a little curious: "But why are there three statues?"

According to the Father God mentioned by Neutron Star, there should only be one god, but there are three statues in it.

"These three statues are not God the Father. "Rather, the first three sons of the Father." "

"That's your big brother?"

Chen Han made a joke, but he didn't expect to be the first to laugh.

"I'm so bored. "

Chen Han shook his head and calmed down his mood, "Then what have they done to erect such a big statue?"

Generally speaking, only great people deserve to erect statues, and the first three sons of God have done great things to carve three such huge statues for them.

I don't know that, God the Father is deep. "

Hearing this, Chen Han felt a little regretful.

However, since I hit this thing head-on, I always feel a little sorry to go and see it.

When Chen Han and that disc were getting closer and closer, even though he had been prepared for a long time, Chen Han was still shocked by the huge statue in front of him.

"And so on, there seems to be an air of familiarity. "

Suddenly, Chen Han felt a strange sense of familiarity on the disc, as if he had ever touched this thing somewhere.

The closer he was to the disc, the stronger Chen Han's feeling became.

After thinking about it, Chen Han still didn't recall why he felt this way.

This situation was not until Chen Han landed on the disc and saw the pale white giant eggs parked at the foot of the statue, and he suddenly remembered it.

"Isn't this the thing I broke myself?"

Memories suddenly colluded, and Chen Han suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, it was obviously half a year ago, but now when he thinks about it, it seems as far away as a century.

In addition to these giant dome-like spaceships, Chen Han also discovered something that he didn't expect.

Rows of huge translucent screens stretch across the air, and many different worlds are staged like a movie on them.

Some of the worlds were barren and showed no signs of life, some were raging with war, similar to the war blockbusters that Chen Han had seen before, and some were majestic steel buildings, with dense figures walking underground.

"Is this all the real world?"

Chen Han was shocked, there were too many screens, and he hadn't had time to find the surface world he had lived in before for a while.

"No wonder, the guy I killed earlier who called himself an observer..."

With these screens, they can indeed call themselves observers.

"What are these things for?"

Monitoring, early warning,

"God the Father has given the main task to the observer, and in the event of an anomaly, the observer has the power to decide for himself where these worlds will stay. "

Was it because he had killed a Celestial Walker in the first place, so there was an observer in person?

"Through this thing, you may be able to temporarily master the ability to travel through space. "

Neutron Star's words suddenly made Chen Han a little excited.

The ability to travel through space?


Without nonsense, Chen Han couldn't bear the long estimated distance for a long time.

"Press and hold one of the screens and take a closer look. "

Chen Han obediently complied, holding down the steel city picture he had seen before.

This is the world closest to the world he lived in before, and Chen Han has a good impression of it.

After the cold screen was started, Chen Han's spirits lifted, and all the fatigue of the past six months was swept away.

There seemed to be a cold breath in his mind, Chen Han hesitated for a while, and decided to let go of his mind.

This is a very dangerous practice, if you are an ordinary person, you will easily erase your consciousness if it is serious, and you will be seriously injured again, and you will lose a lot of memories and become a fool directly027.

However, Chen Han didn't have any concerns about this, even if it was the previous Void Minions, it could only cause some psychological abnormalities to him.

Black Domain... Observer... All kinds of thoughts were running around in his mind, but fortunately, Chen Han's spiritual power was strong enough, otherwise he would definitely be stirred into a paste by this huge thought.

Of course, Chen hadn't forgotten his main purpose and found out the specific location of the current Black Domain.

Neutron Star stood silently aside, and after a moment, Chen Han let go of his hand.

"The location of the black domain has not changed, I have found the specific location. "

Chen Han breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Chen Han also knew a lot about the ability to shuttle through space that Neutron Star said just now.

This roulette wheel is equivalent to a key, Chen Han only needs to twist it to open the door of the space, shuttle through the void in an instant, and truly realize the shuttle in the entire universe.

"It's a lot of time savering. "

Chen Han was a little excited in his heart, and after informing the neutron star of the specific location he had detected, Chen Han walked quickly towards the egg-shaped spaceship—this was the most critical key to space shuttle.

There was no need for additional operations, and after absorbing that consciousness, Chen Han already knew the control of this giant egg.


His body felt a wonderful tearing sensation, and in the next moment, the environment around Chen Han changed dramatically. _

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