In the empty black domain, Chen Han was very bored.

He now kind of understands why God is doing the things of the Observer.

For God, the observer is an important tool for observing the worlds and then judging whether to protect or destroy them.

But for Chen Han, he doesn't have such idleness.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Let the planets that can give birth to life let them slowly multiply by themselves, as for protection or something, Chen Hanke has never thought about it.

In Chen Han's hands, the observer who was originally used to do business has become a reality TV show for entertainment and boredom.

Sometimes, when he was happy to see it, he would order a few observers to give them some "bounty"

Stepping forward is nothing more than something about cultivation, which is useless for Chen Han, but for those low-strength creatures of "027", this is simply a gift from heaven!

When more than one person makes a wish in the mirror, their shadow reaches out to give them what they want.

Although they were afraid, in the end, they were willing to accept it.

A good guardian saint was regarded as Santa Claus by Chen Han, but Chen Han was also happy to do it.

Mainly because in the Black Domain, there is no other entertainment at all!

For a creature like a god who lived in ancient times, he didn't see entertainment activities, so he wouldn't miss this thing at all, but Chen Han had seen it.

Just as Chen Han felt sorry for himself and was about to leave the Black Domain and run alone, he suddenly felt a violent vibration suddenly coming from the Boundless Black Domain.

Someone is attacking!

It took Chen Han a while to react, the god had explained to himself before leaving, the Void Beasts would not honestly break through from the periphery, more often, they would directly teleport into the Black Domain.

"Let's take a look today to see how big this Void Beast really is!"

Chen Han's heart was extremely excited, he hadn't seen a living thing for a long time, even if he saw a stinky monkey at this moment, he would become very active.

After becoming the master of the Black Domain, Chen Han obtained a part of the laws of the Black Domain from the gods.

What surprised him a little was that this so-called law of the black domain turned out to be the power of the law he was familiar with!

"I can't hang on to the power of this old guy's law, and with such an inexhaustible warehouse, I won't save it if I change it. "

This was Chen Han's original idea.

Although Chen Han was not even an awakened person, he rashly accepted a large amount of law power, but even if he allowed these law powers to run around in his body, he would not cause the slightest harm to Chen Han.

Moreover, the power of the law born from the Black Domain was many times more refined than the power of the law that Chen Han had seen before.

With the help of the power of these laws, the original black domain that was originally pitch black and boundless has long ceased to exist.

In its place, there was a faint sight.

According to the gods, as he mastered the power of the law, the last black domain would become no different from day for him.

After quickly coming to the place where the incident occurred, Chen Han was a little disappointed in his heart.

"It's just a few Void minions. "

Chen Han sighed, it seemed that he could only wait to see if he had a chance to see the Dao Void Beast.

It's just that Chen Han glanced at the three void minions, and then he was a little stunned.


These Void minions didn't seem to be the same as the Void minions he had seen on that barren planet before.

The few I had seen before, some of them looked like smooth octopuses, although they looked quite disgusting, but they were still within Chen Han's acceptable range.

But the few he saw now were a little unbearable for Chen Han to look at.

If I had to describe it, it could only be described as an oval monster covered with pimples like malignant tumors, with a head and tentacles the size.

Chen Han held his mind and carefully observed the movements of this group of monsters.

After lingering for a while, the tentacles fluttered in the void minions, and then quickly fell to the ground, raising dozens of bright red tentacles high, and then thrust them into the ground.

The land of the Black Domain, which was originally extremely solid in Chen Han's impression, turned into tofu scum under the tentacles of these void minions, and it shattered when touched.

Just as Chen Han was wondering about their purpose, he suddenly felt an unusual movement in the Black Domain.

The power of the law is gone!

After looking closely, Chen Han found that the source was none other than those Void minions.

They stretched their tentacles into the worlds connected by the Black Realm, hungry for the power of the laws in these worlds.

Immediately after, the power of the law extracted by them will turn into a kind of violent energy, escaping freely in the black domain.

"I see..."

Chen Han's mouth opened slightly, he understood that these void minions acted completely on instinct, and wherever there was more power of the law, they would suck it, just like hungry mosquitoes.

After sucking out the power of the law, the originally orderly power will be transformed into chaotic energy by these void minions!

From order! to disorder!

"It's a monster that sows chaos. "

Chen Han smiled slightly, "But if you want to spread wild in my territory, let's call your master out first!"

After speaking, Chen Han's figure flashed, and then he appeared beside the three void minions.

It seems that because the power of the law on Chen Han's body is too small, the movement sent out by Chen Han is definitely not small, but it still has not attracted the attention of these Void minions.

"Purple Thunder"

This time, Chen Han learned to be obedient and no longer used his fists to fight the Void minions.

They're like shredders, and if anything comes close to them, they're smashed into disorganized pieces.

Even if Chen Han's strength could destroy them, it couldn't avoid the effects of this chaos, after all, if you attack the crusher with your fist, even an iron fist will leave a few knife marks.

However, switching to a thunder that can be controlled remotely will not have this problem.


The purple 4.5 thunder pillar instantly landed on the body of a void minion, and the latter's body stiffened, and after raising the tentacles weakly, he quickly fell to the ground and faded away.

"Does Thunder have an extra restraint effect on them?"

Chen Han suddenly thought that these Void minions were just a fragment of consciousness, and when facing something like thunder, I was afraid that they were similar to some soul bodies, with a natural fear.

Sure enough, after Chen Han summoned thunder and lightning to crush one of the Void Minions, the other two Void Minions seemed to be a little frightened, but they were still reluctant to pull out their tentacles, like monkeys stuck by the temptation of food.

Under the thunder, the Void minions disappeared, leaving behind a few pieces of black dust that were as black as charcoal.

"What is this?"

Something that can not be destroyed by purple thunder?

The curiosity in Chen Han's heart soared, and he leaned over directly. _

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