It wasn't the first time Chen Han had felt this kind of dangerous aura.

It's just that the last time he was shuttling in space, he was passively shuttling in space and couldn't actively control himself.

But this time, Chen Han, who had mastered the power of space, stopped his pace and quietly waited for this danger to come.

The legendary Void Beast seems to be out there.


When Chen Han was thinking about whether this thing had an autonomous consciousness or not, the entire spatial corridor began to shake violently.

"That's not good. "

Although he has mastered the power of space, Chen Han still doesn't know much about things like space corridors.

In case this spatial corridor was broken, Chen Han didn't know what kind of situation he would face.

But one thing Chen Han can be sure of is that it is definitely not good news.

Snort –

The cracked silk is constantly moving, and the dilemma is the best portrayal of Chen Han today.

At this moment, he was a little remorseful, if he practiced for a while and completely mastered the space, he would not fall into this situation of not going up and down.

This can only be blamed on Chen Han's bad luck, he killed so many ghosts before, but none of them gave him a space system.

Although the Awakened gave him the ability to control space, compared to his own physique, the Awakened's strength was insignificant.


The shaking of the spatial corridor became more and more violent, like a super earthquake, and Chen Han even saw that tiny cracks had appeared on the top of his head.

If it were other creatures who had experienced space shuttle, they would definitely not be as calm as Chen Han at this moment.

Once the space corridor is shattered, then the shuttle in it will face the most terrifying end!

Falling into the Void of Destruction has no more than two consequences, one is to be killed by the Void Beast, which is considered good, and the second is to spend the rest of your life in eternal solitude.

For Chen Han, who has an eternal life, this is definitely not the result he wants.

"I don't want both!"

Chen Han even wished that he would be able to gain the physique of a Void Beast after killing it.

Such a powerful creature, the system attached to it is absolutely extraordinary, and it is likely that Chen Han will be directly given a "space system".

At that time, the vastness of the universe, even in the Void of Destruction, will allow Chen Han to come and go.


The spatial corridor was already crumbling, and Chen Han guessed that it was because of the attack of the Void Beast outside the corridor.

It is not Chen Han's character to sit back and wait, anyway, he is here to kill the Void Beast, so it is better to take the initiative to fly out.

"It seems that the destructive power of this thing is not ridiculously strong, and it can't even break through the space corridor quickly. "

Chen Han was wrong about this, if the space corridor was so easy to break, I am afraid that no one would be able to use the ability of space shuttle.

If you are not careful, you will fall into the Void of Destruction?


After another violent shock, the space corridor was still strong, and Chen Han and the others were a little impatient, so they simply threw a punch, and the effect was immediate.

Whoop -

As if the glass was shattered, Chen Han's fist blasted a big hole in the space corridor.

Through the hole, the eye is full of purple and black.

But what puzzled Chen Han was that after it threw a punch, the spatial corridor that was still shaking became extremely quiet.

"Ran away?"

Chen Han was a little puzzled, he didn't choose to get out of the breach immediately.

He didn't know exactly what the Void Beast was capable of, although he was confident that he could defeat it, but it was always right to be careful.

Half an hour passed, and there was no movement outside.

"What the hell is going on. "

Chen Han scratched his head, he really couldn't understand it.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with a clue, it couldn't be that the Void Beast was scared away by his punch, right?

Although this possibility cannot be denied, but...

"Let's get out first. "

Chen Han muttered to himself, then relaxed himself, and let himself be sucked out by the breach in the spatial passage.

In the blink of an eye, the spatial passage disappeared from Chen Han's sight, and was replaced by an incomparably empty darkness.

Chen Han rose into the air, and was about to explore the surrounding environment when he suddenly ran into a barrier.

"It can't be in the Void Beast's body, can it?"

The more Chen Han thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, judging from the news he had heard before, the huge size of the Void Beast was completely capable of accommodating him.

After thinking about it, Chen Han immediately threw a fist at the top of his head.

"Sure enough, that's right..."Chen Han muttered to himself, his fist touching the barrier above his head, as if nothing had been touched, this action brought Chen Han exactly the same feeling as when he attacked the Void Minions.

It's just that the effect of this punch is also very obvious, and the originally calm space began to vibrate violently, and it seems to have a tendency to collapse.

"It stands to reason that if the Void Beast was really that big, it shouldn't be killed by a punch from itself, right?"

When Chen Han was thinking, he unexpectedly rose sharply.

The original pure darkness above his head began to evolve, and a strange light gradually appeared, and this light became more and more intense, even countless times stronger than the sun's light.

Suddenly, Chen Han felt as if his body had weighed countless times, and it was as if a mountain had suddenly fallen from the top of his head, and even his body began to shrink.

"It's... Voidmon digesting?"

Chen Han was taken aback, since the Void Beast dared to swallow itself, then it must have the ability to digest, or rather, the Void Beast itself was a deformed monster born in the Void of Destruction, not even a living being, just a large number of aggregates full of destructive energy.

Transforming all orderly existence into chaotic energy is their purpose.

"If this continues, I'm not going to be crushed into meat sauce, right?"

Chen Han felt that the pressure on his shoulders was getting bigger and bigger, even if he carried the earth on his shoulders, he wouldn't feel this way.

If you had to convert, Chen Han's shoulders were now almost stacked with the weight of hundreds of planets.

In a trance, Chen Han saw the wreckage of the space corridor, but it was crushed into powder in an instant.

"It's not an option. "

Chen Han was worried, although he didn't feel any big burden now, the pressure on his body was still increasing with the passage of time.

If there is no upper limit to this increase, then there will be a limit to it.

"I can only storm it. "

Chen Han frowned, now there was no other way than to kill this Void Beast from the inside.


The second punch was blasted out, and the void space vibrated more and more violently, and the pressure above Chen Han's head was still increasing.

"Aren't you dead yet?"

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