"You want me to work for the Empire?"

Chen Han asked in a cold tone, he didn't care about the life or death of this world at all, even if this world was suddenly destroyed, it wouldn't set off the slightest ripple in his heart, his only focus might be on the reaction of the Void Beast itself.

Maybe at the moment when he destroyed this world, he would take Li Jianyi and his not-so-annoying master away, and the premise of doing so was when Chen Han was in a good mood, otherwise, this world would be the same as the man in black just now, like a fart, and disappear into the wider universe with a pop.

"Alright, sir, you come with me first, the prince's people are probably coming soon, let them see you, and I can't guarantee your safety." "

King Qi heard the mockery from Chen Han's tone, but now he couldn't care so much, if it weren't for Chen Han's very powerful skills, he wouldn't have kept Chen Han under the pressure of tearing his face with the prince.

Listening to King Qi's words, Li Jianyi's hanging heart finally let go, in the entire Dragon City, except for the emperor, I am afraid that only King Qi has the ability to protect the people that the prince wants to get rid of, Li Jianyi looked at Chen Han with longing eyes, hoping that Chen Han would accept King Qi's suggestion.

"The crown prince and I have no grievances, why do we need you to protect me?" Chen Han said with an innocent face.

"You first killed the prince's henchman General Feng, and then destroyed his bow team, even if the bow team was not your own hand, but no matter how you say it, it is also because of you, how can this account be counted on your head. "

King Qi felt that his patience was about to be exhausted by Chen Han, if Chen Han was an ordinary person, he would have slapped the wall like a fly.

"General Feng is a demon?"

"How can General Feng be a demon, he specializes in demon extermination. The attendant standing beside King Qi said impatiently.

"What he got rid of before that was not General Feng, just a youkai, and according to what he said before he died, he seemed to be the ninth son of the Demon King. "

Chen Han frowned and said, the current situation he felt a little messy, he just came to find the person who was in danger of them before, but these people were here to talk around, if it weren't for the fact that King Qi was not a big villain, he wouldn't be so patient, and directly waved his hand to make these annoying guys disappear.

"Do you think the prince will believe your ridiculous excuses, how can we have monsters in Dragon City, are you questioning the ability of the Demon Slayer in Dragon City?"

Hearing Chen Han say this, a demon exterminator beside King Qi felt greatly insulted, in his opinion, Chen Han probably knew that after he offended the prince, he was so frightened that he began to talk nonsense, using this excuse to prevaricate the prince, what is the difference between this and death.

"Do you suspect that I'm making excuses?" Chen Han suddenly stared at the demon slayer who spoke, being able to become a demon slayer by King Qi's side, his strength was naturally extraordinary, but when Chen Han's gaze fell on him, he actually felt a chill to his bones.

If it was in private, in this kind of frightened eyes, he might have confessed, but now that King Qi is watching by his side, if he admits it, he will not be able to mix under King Qi's hands in the future, he immediately stabilized his mind and deliberately said in a disdainful tone.

"What, you don't want to admit it anymore?"

"You mean I'm afraid of the crown prince," Chen Han asked again.

"Joke, apart from the emperor and King Qi, who in the world is not afraid of the crown prince?" The demon slayer felt that Chen Han's question was purely superfluous.

"Okay, I'm going to die later, and I'll talk to you here, King Qi, since you provoked me, you have to pay the same price, and for the sake of still being able to see the qi in you, I will cut off my arm, and the grudge between us will be written off. "

For Chen Han, this is already the biggest concession he can make, but in the eyes of others, he is a complete madman.

The people around King Qi listened to Chen Han's words, as if they had been collectively laughed, and they laughed back and forth, the guy favored by King Qi was actually a complete madman, they were originally worried that after Chen Han joined King Qi, it would make them lose their favor, but now they are completely relieved.

Among this group of people who laughed wildly, there were two people's faces that were very solemn, one was Li Jianyi, from the time he met Chen Han to the present, he had never seen Chen Han talk without thinking, although every time he said something, Li Jianyi felt unbelievable, but what made him even more unbelievable was that Chen Han actually did it without much effort.

Now that Chen Han said such a thing again, although Li Jianyi still felt that it was very outrageous, he no longer doubted that Chen Han had the ability to realize this sentence.

Another person with a solemn face was King Qi, when he first heard Chen Han's words, his reaction was the same as those around him, he had the urge to laugh out loud, but when he inadvertently glanced at Chen Han's eyes, he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart, and an inexplicable fear actually rose in his heart.

0·Ask for flowers·····

"Uncle Huang, if there is anything offensive to you about your nephew, even if you reprimand you in person, you can't do anything with these unscrupulous subordinates. "

Just when this group of people were laughing, a cold voice came from not far away, and then, I saw a young man with a gloomy face walking quickly from a distance, beside him, followed by two men and a woman, from the momentum of their walking, it can be seen that their martial arts have reached the peak of perfection.

"Attend His Majesty the Crown Prince. "

The people around King Qi immediately knelt on the ground very respectfully and greeted the prince loudly, and even King Qi bowed his hand to the prince very politely.

"Your Majesty, I think you should have some misunderstanding, the matter between General Feng and the archers has nothing to do with me. King Qi explained in a deep voice.

It's what he did, he will admit it, it's not what he did, and he resolutely won't take the blame.


"Tsk, is this still the dominant imperial uncle back then, what's wrong, now I don't even dare to take on this little thing... "

The crown prince originally wanted to continue to ridicule King Qi, but he inadvertently glanced at Chen Han and found that this guy's eyes were not only not the slightest awe for him, but full of ridicule and disdain.

"Who are you?" the prince asked in a cold voice.

"I'm settling accounts with King Qi, you hurry up and take your people to get out of here. Chen Han said impatiently.

Listening to Chen Han's words, the Demon Exterminator's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he immediately replied loudly without waiting for anything else to speak.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hundred million-_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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