The leech demon naturally didn't know these thoughts of the snake demon, he thought that he had really found a glimmer of life, it slowly got up from the ground, stared at Chen Han's back for a while, and finally didn't have the courage to attack like Chen Han, but pounced towards Li Jian at a very fast speed.

Li Jianyi had eaten the leech demon before because he was too unfamiliar with the leech demon's routine, and now when he saw the leech demon coming directly at his nostrils, he immediately realized that the leech demon wanted to drill into his body in this way.

With a roar, Li Jianyi used his most proud move, swept through the thousands of troops, and a powerful sword qi slashed off the nearby canopy, and the leech demon found that Li Jianyi's sword qi was unavoidable, and it was already finished, and its body was directly cut in two by the sword qi in the air, flying in two different directions.

"Hmph, what's the point of being alive with this little ability?"

The snake demon saw that the leech demon was dealt with by Li Jian one by one, and immediately said with a look of disgust, in his opinion, with the cultivation of the leech demon, he was not worthy of becoming his fan.

After reading Li Jianyi's sword, the snake demon had no last concerns, although this sword looked very exaggerated, in fact, it was only the level of an intermediate cultivator, and it was still effective in fighting with humans, in front of their big demons, that is, to send.

Li Jianyi's ability is like this, Chen Han's ability is naturally 02 not higher than that, if it weren't for the fear of alarming that super strong existence, the snake demon really didn't want to kill them as soon as it came up, it had not met a human who delivered to the door for too long, and it really wanted to play a game of cat and mouse with them for a while.

With a clattering sound of bones breaking, the skull floating on the river of the dead suddenly grew in size rapidly, and in an instant it became like a small mountain, and the two dark holes in the skull's eyes were like two gloomy eyes, looking down condescendingly at Chen Han and Li Jianyi, who looked very small.

The mouth on the skull also began to grow rapidly, like a bottomless cave, with a sneer, the mouth suddenly wanted to spew out something black and mushy outside, like a huge high-pressure water gun, and the black thing quickly rushed towards Chen Han and Li Jianyi.

As soon as Li Jian took down the toad demon with one sword, he had a kind of blind confidence, this time he was no longer passively defensive, but the human sword was one, and he took the initiative to rush over like that water column.

Li Jianyi's original idea was to use his sword qi to force this water column back, even if he couldn't force it back, at least change their direction, and when he rushed into the water column, he realized that the situation was not good.

Because what squirted out of the skull's mouth was not water at all, but a group of conscious things, their movements were very light, and they easily dodged Li Jianyi's attack, and some even bypassed Li Jianyi's sword qi and directly opened their mouths to bite Li Jianyi's neck.

Those resentments were originally biting each other, Li Jianyi's sudden intrusion made them very excited, and began to give up each other's grievances, and launched an attack like Li Jianyi with all their might, and soon, Li Jianyi was powerless, he was bitten in the neck by a middle-aged woman's resentment, and the rest of the resentment was even more desperate after smelling the freshness.

Seeing that Li Jian was struggling desperately in resentment at the beginning, the snake demon hiding under this thought couldn't help but hiss, it stretched out its scarlet tongue at a very fast speed, and after eating Li Jianyi's body, it also turned into a small drop in the river of the dead.

Just when his tongue was about to touch Li Jianyi's body, suddenly those resentments in the air disappeared completely, and within a radius of a few hundred meters, the air became clean and transparent, so that the leaves dozens of meters away could clearly see its veins.

At this moment, Li Jianyi was already sitting on the ground, although his body was scarred, it could be seen that it was only some skin injuries.

These resentments, the youngest, have also been condensed for hundreds of years, and some are even more than a thousand years old, and the power of mortals cannot disperse them at all, let alone make them disappear completely.

The snake demon originally wanted to use the cover of resentment, but after the resentment disappeared, its long tongue became very obvious in the air, and it had been claiming that he was the river god, but it inadvertently exposed the true identity of the snake demon, and the anger in his heart could be imagined.

At this time, it was no longer disguised, and the snake head quickly rose from the river, and the invincible snake head crashed into Chen Han hard.

The snake demon's snake head is the size of two Chen Han, and when it goes all out towards Chen Han, it has the feeling of hitting a gopher with a hammer, but this gopher is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

With a loud bang, the snake's head smashed a huge pit into the ground, but at the same time, it let out a painful wail, and after the wail, the huge snake body began to roll on the ground in pain, and soon crushed the nearby jungle into a huge flat ground.

The hardest part of the snake demon's body is its head, but at this moment, there is a fist-sized hole in its head, and a fist-sized hole is not fatal with its size, but when Chen Han withdrew his fist, he pulled out a silver-white thing from its body.

The most essential difference between a snake and a dragon is that the dragon has a tendon on its body, and the snake has a series of bones, the snake demon has been cultivating for so many years, and he is going in the direction of Jackie Chan, and now he has cultivated the tendons, Jackie Chan is only a matter of time, but he didn't expect to meet Chen Han, a disaster star, and directly pulled out the tendons that he had only formed after hundreds of years of cultivation.

The tendonless basilisk was like a boneless vertebrate, lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, and it all happened so fast that it felt as if it was still in a dream.

"Li Jianyi, you use this to make a close-fitting belt, it will multiply your skills. "

Chen Han threw the snake tendon at Li Jianyi, Li Jianyi immediately caught it with both hands, as soon as his hand touched the snake tendon, there was immediately a warm current throughout his body, obviously, this is a very rare treasure.

"Hero, this thing is too valuable, you should use it yourself. Although Li Jianyi likes these 027 things very much, he feels that this gift is too valuable, and isn't this thing like a tiger wearing it on Chen Han.

"Hmph, do you think I'll need something like this?" Chen said coldly.

For a person who is already invincible, anything that improves his ability has no meaning in front of him, but for Li Jianyi, with this thing, life has turned over a new charter.

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Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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