After the River of the Dead lost the control of the snake demon, the resentment of being imprisoned by the snake demon immediately began to flow around the mountains and forests like prisoners who had been freed from their shackles, and all of a sudden, the mountains and forests that were originally not very visible were shrouded in black fog one after another.

The resentment pointed out that the little demons were ruthlessly bitten, and even the leaves were gnawed by them, but they had a natural fear of Chen Han and them, and wherever Chen Han went, they would immediately hide aside.

The river of the dead who lost his resentment instantly turned into a dry river, and the pebbles in the river looked very smooth, if you didn't look carefully, it was no different from an ordinary dry river, but when Li Jianyi stood on the pebbles and looked down, he would find that between the cracks in the stones, there were all kinds of dark black stumps.

Crossing the River of the Dead, Chen Han and they entered a world with a unique cave, where the birds are singing and fragrant, giving people a sense of paradise, the grasshopper demon rubbed its eyes vigorously while walking, it didn't believe it at all, the legendary place was extremely terrifying, it was actually as beautiful as an impeccable fairyland.

The beauty and tranquility here give people an extremely strange feeling, Li Jianyi's hand has never left the hilt of the sword along the way, and he always feels that something strange will suddenly burst out of an unexpected place in the next moment.

When they walked into a cluster of flowers in full bloom, the refreshing fragrance made Li Jianyi couldn't help but stretch, and the hand he held on the hilt of the sword subconsciously relaxed, the grasshopper demon had completely lost its previous defenses, and it 027 was completely immersed in the pleasure of the beautiful scenery.

"Master, so you're here. "

Just as Chen Han was wandering aimlessly in the park, Li Jianyi suddenly saw a familiar back, only to see that not far away, an old man was walking in the flowers very leisurely, and there was a very charming woman standing next to him.

"Okay, boy, you've finally made it here, you didn't have any trouble along the way. The old man said to Chen Han in the second half of the sentence, he knew that with Li Jianyi's cultivation, it was impossible not to encounter trouble along the way.

Chen Han nodded very coldly, and did not look at the old man, but looked directly at the charming woman beside the old man, and the woman immediately made a very charming smile at Chen Han, and fully demonstrated the temptation of a sexy woman to a man.

Chen Han's performance surprised the old man very much, he touched his chin lightly, and said very generously.

"Chen Han, this kid must have caused you a lot of trouble along the way, if you like this woman, as compensation, I can give her to you. "

"The woman I fancy is still in my favor, do you still need to let me?" Chen Han said with a disdainful expression.

Chen Han didn't give the old man face at all, which made Li Jianyi feel very embarrassed, now in his mind, Chen Han's status is second only to his master, after all, he was brought up by his own master since he was a child.

"Hero, my master doesn't mean anything, he... "

Li Jianyi was very afraid that Chen Han would make trouble with his master, knowing that with Chen Han's skills, his master had no chance of winning at all, and Chen Han never allowed mercy, if the master died to Chen Han, he would have to do the last thing he wanted to do, that is, to carry out a suicide attack on Chen Han.

When Li Jian saw Chen Han slowly walking towards which woman, the stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground, he didn't understand why Chen Han suddenly became so lustful, but as long as Chen Han was not his master's enemy, none of this mattered.

Just as Chen Han was slowly approaching the woman, Li Jianyi obviously felt the panic in the woman's eyes, and after the panic, a powerful murderous aura was revealed, and he was about to warn Chen Han, but he rushed towards Chen Han at a speed of a few pieces.

Li Jian had a feeling of the world spinning in an instant, in his opinion, Chen Han was already lucky not to trouble his master, he definitely didn't expect that the old man would actually sneak attack Chen Han, and as soon as he made a move, it was a lore.

Just when Li Jianyi hesitated who to help, he saw Chen Han change his hand and directly grabbed the old man's throat, and as his hand slowly lifted up, the old man's feet left the ground and began to kick desperately in the air.

"Hero, don't, don't kill my master. When Li Jian saw that the old man's face turned purple, he immediately knelt on the ground with a puff and begged Chen Han loudly for mercy.

At the same time that Chen Han pinched the old man's neck, which bewitching woman got into the (acef) flower bush at an extremely fast speed and disappeared in an instant, which woman's body was extremely fast, even far above the old man.

Chen Han didn't expect that there would be monsters that could escape from his hands, so his face immediately turned cold, and the strength of pinching the old man's neck increased a little more.

Seeing that the old man was about to be cut off, Li Jianyi suddenly got up from the ground, and when he saw the sword draw out in a hurry, and when he pointed at Chen Han, his whole body and the tip of the sword kept trembling.

"What, you want to do it to me?"

Chen Han glanced at Li Jian and asked unhurriedly.

"Hero, please let go of the master, what are you angry with me, I am willing to exchange my life for the master's life. "

As soon as Li Jian finished speaking, he put the sword on his own neck, and as long as Chen Han nodded, he immediately gave himself a good time.

"It's not your master at all, it's just a monster that controls your master's body. Chen Han rarely explains to others, in his opinion, only the weak will explain misunderstandings to others, and for a person like him, who is already invincible, any explanation is superfluous.

But Li Jianyi still seemed to be the master who saved him when he knew that his strength was far inferior to Chen Han, and this behavior made Chen Han feel inexplicably moved, so he made an exception to Li Jianyi to explain it like this.

For Chen Han's words, Li Jianyi was convinced, and the master's behavior was indeed very abnormal, the master had not been close to women for many years, when he appeared with a bewitching woman, Li Jianyi himself felt very strange, but the joy of reunion diluted his suspicions of this abnormal phenomenon.

Now hearing Chen Han say this, he immediately understood what was going on, he knelt in front of Chen Han again, kowtowing and saying.

"Hero, you must find a way to save my master, I know you will definitely have a way. "

Chen Han shook his head gently, it wasn't that he didn't want to be saved, but that the old man was completely helpless.

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Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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