Two vague figures communicated briefly in the air, then one of the figures flew into the distance with a scream, and the other slowly fell to the ground, after he landed, a bloody arm fell from the air, and as soon as he raised his hand, he stabbed which arm with his sword, the arm was strung on the tip of the sword, and the five fingers were still twisting.

When the disciples of the Hidden Sword Villa found that the person standing in front of them was Li Jianyi, they no longer cared about whether they would wake up Ji Xiaomi, and rushed over directly with a roar.

"Senior Brother Jianyi is mighty, Senior Brother Jianyi is domineering ,......。"

This group of people couldn't help but lift Li Jianyi up, let the back high into the air, looking at the extremely excited faces of the junior disciples, Li Jianyi suddenly felt that he had become a human being inexplicably, he didn't know who the unlucky sneak attacker was, and now what shocked him was when his skills became so powerful.

"Senior Brother Jianyi, I didn't expect that after only going out for such a while, your martial arts have become so powerful, it's incredible, and the genius of Kuaijian Villa, I'm sorry, it should be called a joke of Kuaijian Villa."

On the other side, several of the young owner's entourage were completely stunned, they couldn't believe their eyes at all. Kuajian Villa, as the name suggests, what they are best at is speed, and the young owner of the village has exerted the power of this speed to the limit, and when he does it with people, he can't see the moment when he takes out his sword and closes it.

It was as if his sword had never been unsheathed, but the other's head had been shaved flat. And most of the time, he's a latecomer.

This time he made the first move, but others used speed to seize the opportunity, these people felt unusually cold, this is not something that people can do, Li Jianyi is likely to be a powerful ghost who came back to ask for his life, maybe he would have died in the Valley of the Dead a long time ago.

After they came to their senses, they immediately followed the blood trail to find the body of the young farmer, and finally found the young farmer in a latrine, he was stuck in the dung pit with his feet in the sky, and his feet kept kicking the air in the air, if he went a little more late, he would definitely be suffocated to death by the half-dried dung.

Li Jianyi's sword completely changed the mood of the Tibetan Sword disciples, a genius in Kuaijian Villa who was blown into the sky, but was handled by Li Jianyi with a sword, what reason is there not to make the people of Tibetan Sword Villa become very confident.

The leopard demon's goal was achieved, but he was not happy at all, because he found that if he really wanted to make a move, he would probably not be Li Jianyi's opponent. A weak man wants to turn a strong man into a captive, which obviously gives him a lot of headaches.

"Brother Jian, I have no choice but to carry out this task, if you don't cooperate with me this time, they will definitely send more people, and then these senior brothers of yours will suffer, since sooner or later they can't dodge, it's better to..."

After knowing that it was the young owner who was abolished with his sword, Li Jianyi's heart also began to swell, and with the attitude of rushing at the leopard demon, he had the urge to fight to the death with this guy. But he thought about it, even if he could defeat this guy, if he angered him, he would pour his anger on this group of junior disciples, except for himself, I am afraid that no one would dodge his fatal blow.

"Don't worry, what I said before, I will definitely do it, I choose three junior brothers to go to Dragon City with me, you have to promise me that you will never hurt other junior brothers.

In the Valley of the Dead, the screams of the demon filled the entire valley, and the King of the Dead vented all his resentment on its body, and the entire body of the demon was imprisoned in a bronze square, and at this moment, the bronze square Ding was red all over, and what was rolling inside was a red liquid like magma.

The demon tried to get it out of its body several times, but the Dead King locked its escape route, so it experienced every pain very much, and its best wish now was that someone could slap it to death, but it turned out to be just an unrealistic fantasy, it had been wailing for nearly two hours, and no one had shown the slightest sympathy for it.

If the location of the demon is hell, then not far from it, there is a paradise.

Chen Han was reclining on the tiger skin chair at the moment, enjoying his eyes with his eyes closed, if it weren't for the rhythmic shaking of his feet to the music, he would have thought that he was taking a nap at the moment.

The little fox was curled up on his chest, eating the most delicious food in her mouth, and her little paws lightly clasped Chen Han's chest, it turned out that she was also echoing the rhythm of the music.

On either side of them, kneeling two well-dressed women, at the moment they were tilting their heads, and their mouths were not only spraying smoke with a strange fragrance, which should be the two most beautiful incense burners in the world.

In front of him kneeling the White Bone Demon and the White Wolf Demon, one of them gently rubbed Chen Han's shoulders, and the other was helping him rub his legs with a courteous face, as long as Chen Han moved slightly, they would ask with a panicked face, if their service made Chen Han feel uncomfortable, and if there was anything wrong with it, they promised to correct it immediately.

Not far from them, the lark was playing the most beautiful music with several of her men, and they even cracked the skull of a youkai because of the lack of a percussion instrument.

Outside the band, there was a group of yokai sitting cross-legged, their hands tightly clasped together, and their foreheads kept sweating outward, but they didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

This group of monsters used their internal strength to create a soundproof wall, so that Chen Han's mood would not be disturbed by the screams of the demons.

If ordinary monsters do these things, it is completely understandable, after all, it is for life, but this group of monsters, all of them are masters who will collapse the sky with a cough, and they live a high-spirited life on weekdays, but now they have become so humble, which shows how deep their fear of Chen Han is.

"Master, the slave has been torturing the demon for two hours, do you think you can understand him?"

The Dead Man King bent in and asked with a humble face.

The title of master slave was what Chen Han had just thought of, in order to make this group of people feel humiliated, Chen Han introduced the meaning of these two titles in great detail, he thought that this group of guys would not accept it at first, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as his words fell, the white bone demon knelt in front of him with a puff and shouted his master.

"Is this already the harshest punishment you're talking about?" Chen Han closed his eyes and said unhurriedly.

"Master, if you need a harsher punishment, you need some time to prepare." The Dead Man King said softly.

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Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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